If I ever become an American Citizen
I'll come up with some reasons
Real and Documentary
To be enough for me
to run away from that country to some place else!
Because of the fact that
You can't change some people's nature!
I heard that people in America "do their own thing and don't care what others are up to!"
I was told this once and thrown up on face with huge loads of misery and grief by an Iranian.
Imagine that!;
An Iranian!
Like finally, there has been found a spot in this big damn world
that can't get included in that "anywhere but home" category of places for Iranians! Well, at least "literally"!
That's a good sign!
Finally! a convenient place to settle down,
Hopefully not a place like Iran
when everyone is curious to know
what and how others around are doing their own personal lives,
In order to make it through the day, and sleep it through the night!
A Place that you can be hopeful not to be questioned and heckled,
by people who don't really care where you are coming from,
so you'd not be forced to talk about a place where your only correlation with was
some landing place after an accidental falling off of one goddamn stork's mouth
and tell stories
like it's that movie; "Behind Enemy lines", or something like bitter memories of war!
Now that world has eventually decided to calm down a bit,
with a little help from a bottle of bourbon!
A Place where people don't crave for knowing something they have no idea about
So they won't make you tell
made up stories about the likes of life in Iran,
as if you were ever interested or actually lived that kind of life,
Talking jive as though you knew that place,
or you dared to know,
or chose to understand or become a part of it's society!
Like those mother fucking liars
who are making business out of this,
Folks who get flattered by their own stories,
and start getting the feeling of an arrogant champ talking
about how they ran away,
and what kind of big ogres penis' they broke during their journey to freedom-land!
Such pure bullshits!
Not a place as if the only thing
that makes strangers come across together in everyday life
and keep the slightest boundaries between 'em
is mostly quarrel!
Something that could help all these people,
with their tones of obsessions and inner explosions,
burst on anybody!
Not a place like Iran
Where people are dangerously either insider or intruder
Green Or Red
No more of a place where people's points of view would be illogically harsh and rigid,
To the extent that you find yourself questioned
in a way that the answers you give
must be Positive!
Questions like:
Are You A Patriot?
Will you die for your country?
Are You A Muslim?
You Voted for [...] didn't you?
And any type of question
that actually has vital repercussions and consequences.
Going through subjects and issues that better be left personal
Specially for a person like me
who'd better not express himself too much
for the safety of self and those around him!!
Like That Warning note
at the beginning of the "Jackass" movie!
* - This note has went through final edition at 21:30 - Iranian idiot
من روزي شهروند آمريكايي هم شوم
سلسله دلايلي ارائه خواهم كرد
واقعي و مستند
كه براي فرار از آنجا كافي باشد
به يك جاي ديگر!
نشون به اون نشون كه
ذات بعضي ها را هيچ وقت نمي شود تغيير داد!
شنيده ام كه آن جا آدم ها زياد به هم كاري ندارند!
اين را يك بار يك ايراني با كلي "غم" و "غربت"، خيلي جدي بالا آورد توي صورت من.
يك ايراني!
فكر كن!
انگار كه بالاخره پيدا شده است نقطه اي در اين دنيا
كه حداقل بطور لفظي براي ايراني جماعت در ردهء آن مكان هاي "هرجايي جز ايران" قرار نگيرد!!
اين نشانهء خوبي است!
بالاخره يك محيط مناسب براي مستقر شدن،
نه مثل جايي كه آدم ها همه با هم كار دارند!
موجوداتي كنجكاو كه بايد هميشه از حال و احوال هم خبر داشته باشند
تا روزشان را شب و شب شان را روز كنند!
محيطي كه آدم بتواند اميدوار باشد اهالي اش سوال پيچش نكنند
مجبور نباشد از كشوري كه آدم تنها ارتباطش با آن،
صرفا محل فرود بعد از سقوطي اتفاقي
از دهان يك لك لك سربه هواي مادر به خطا باشد صحبت كند
و داستان ببافد
در رديف فيلم "پشت خطوط دشمن" يا خاطرات تلخ دوران جنگ!
حالا كه دنيا آمده است كمي با كمك ويسكي تنسي به آرامش برسد!
مجبور نشود يك وقت مثل بعضي از آن چهره ها مادرقحبگي كند،
از سرزميني غريب داستان هايي خيالي بسازد براي آدم هايي كه هيچ تصوري ندارند.
يك زندگي آرام در ميان آدم هايي كه برايشان مهم نيست از كجا آمده اي
طوري كه آدم مجبور نشود حرف بزند از زندگي در آن جا،
آن هم براي آدمي كه انگار هر روز
زندگي كرده است آن نوع ايراني لعنتي را،
انگار كه آن جا را مي شناخته،
يا خواسته بشناسه،
يا انتخاب كرده است كه بشناسد و جزئي از جامعهء آن شود!
بعد هم حتما بادي به غبغب بياندازد و مثل يك قهرمان
از علت فرارش بگويد، و اينكه دول چه غول هايي را كه نشكسته!
و از اين مزخرفات!
اينطور جايي نباشد كه ديگر هيچ وقت
تنها چيزي كه آدم را به غريبه اي ديگر در زندگي روزانه نزديك كند
تلاقي دهد و به برقراري ارتباط بكشاند
اكثرا جنگ لفظي باشد!
جايي كه اين همه آدم پر از عقده و انفجارات دروني
كه در همه حال دنبال اولين بني بشري مي گردند تا رويش خالي شوند
در اقليت باشند!
مكاني كه آدم ها به طرز خطرناكي
تنها به يكي از دو دستهء خودي يا غير خودي تقسيم نشوند
سبز يا قرمز
جايي كه افكار آدم هايش آن قدر بي منطق و خشك نباشد
آنقدر كه طوري سوال بپرسند از آدم
كه جوابش فقط بايد مثبت باشد
سوال هايي چون
تو وطن پرست هستي؟
تو براي كشور جان مي دهي؟
تو مسلمان هستي مگه نه؟
تو به {...} راي دادي مگه نه؟
نوع سوالاتي كه پيامد و عواقب وخيمي دارند.
مرور كردن موضوعاتي كه بهتر است درون شخص آدم بماند
خصوصا براي مني كه بهتر است
به خاطر سلامت خود و اطرافيانم
زياد ابراز وجود نكنم!!
مثل آن اخطار در اول فيلم
اين نوشته در ساعت 21:30 باز نويسي نهايي شده است.د