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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

970 - You name it

What are women thinking
when they come to bring up a discussion
with the most boring words
and turn to the most unbearable creatures?

Don't they know that
They can be replaced
With a Basketball Match?
A Music Show?
A Bottle Of Whiskey?
A Ride, All Alone on the Road?

زنان چه فكر مي كنند
وقتي به خودشان اجازه مي دهند
با كسل كننده ترين حرف ها
تبديل شوند به غير تحمل ترين موجود غرغرو؟

آيا نمي دانند
كه آن ها مي توانند جايگزين شوند
با يك مسابقهء بسكتبال؟
يك كنسرت موسيقي؟
يك بطر ويسكي؟
يه سواري، اونم تنها در جاده؟


افسانه سیزیف said...

similarly, i can replace most of the guys and also girls accompany by reading a good book, listening to a good music, watching a good movie and etc. ...

why are you serotyping? if most of the women around you are sort of boring and nagger, then you should reconsider your elements .... !

Iranian idiot said...

Excuse Me! Stereotyping???

You don't by any chance mean that when a woman replace people with something else is a part of life, but it's so sexist or stereotyping of a Man to do or at least say about it?!

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