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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1013 - Green is the New Fear

Bastard cucumbers!
Now that they couldn't subdue me
They raided my best friend's house by midnight
after a few threatening telephone calls,
and pointed their 2 barreled fingers by his head
and found him guilty by
according to their own sick wisdom
which is something dependent on their enthusiasm.

Those sick bastards don't know the fact that
That poor inoffensive lad
Actually Has had his precious Homeland for sale
long before all this would even happen!
But There was nobody buying it!

Right the way he admitted himself.

خيار چمبرهاي لعنتي!
حريف من كله خر كه نشدند
گويا بعد از يكي دو تماس تلفني تهديد آميز
شبانه ريخته اند خانهء بهترين دوست من،
انگشتان دولول شان را به سمت او نشانه گرفته اند
با منطق بي حساب كتابشان، كه تابعي از رگ گردنشان است،
مجرم شناخته اند اش:
وطن فروش!

پدرسوخته ها نمي دانند
آن واماندهء بي آزار خيلي قبل تر از اين ها
وطن "گرانبها" يش را براي فروش گذاشته بود!
منتها كسي نبود بخره!

دقيقا همان طور كه خودش هم گفته.د

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