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Sunday, June 20, 2010

968 - Beating the Dead Horse

The Line you're about to read is a part of a British soccer fan's opinion after the game versus Algeria that ended drawn, in an interview which broadcasted from Iran's national TV. The Interviewer said in advance that some of the words have been "beeped" according to the impolite nature of the comments. His own choice of rude words + 1 has been marked red as follows:

They played S#!T, they weren't even moving their @$$. Capello! You get the f*%& back to your country you F*%&ing Italian Twat.

That fact that the Iran's illiterate national TV interviewer didn't know shit to include the word "Twat", is the absolute ignorance of where he and ofcourse his fucking propaganda-ish reports come from!

خطي كه مي خوانيد، بخشي از اظهارات يك طرفدار انگليسي بعد از مساوي تيم فوتبال كشورش در برابر الجزاير است، كه از تلويزيون ايران پخش شد با اين توضيح گزارشگر كه به دليل ركيك بودن الفاظ مصاحبه شونده، بخشي از صحبت هاي او با صداي "بيپ" سانسور شده است. الفاظ مورد نظر وي + يك، در زير با رنگ قرمز مشخص شده است:د

They played S#!T, they weren't even moving their @$$. Capello! You get the f*%& back to your country you F*%&ing Italian Twat.

توضيح اول: كلماتي كه با علامت هاي درصد، دلار، ستاره و ... آمده اند، همان كلاماتي هستند كه در گزارش با صداي "بيپ" سانسور شدند.
توضيح دوم:
كلمه اي كه در آخر با غلظت تمام بيان شد، يعني اونجاي مادر آقاي خبرنگار بي سواد واحد مركزي خبر در لندن! جايي كه اين هم وطن عزيز بايد بداند خودش و گزارش هاي لعنتي اش از آنجا مي آيد!د

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