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Thursday, December 31, 2009

898 - If I had ever used Kate for good

I never Understood Gene And Genetics!

And I've been taking "Gene" for the answer
to all of the questions I barely had an answer for, lately.

Among all those well-chosen remaining hardcore readers of this blog
there exist so many folks
that keep so many of these notes in their head,
better than me
So that I could be feeling relieved,
later, whenever I mentioned this Damn Genetics,
It means that I am talking about one freakin' hard-to-understand matter!

من ژن و ژنتيك را هيچ وقت نفهميدم!د

جواب تمام سوالاتي را هم كه هيچ وقت نفهميدم
را تازگي ها حواله مي كنم به ژن!د

در بين سوپر خواننده هاي غربال شدهء امروزي اين وبلاگ
موارد بسياري ديده مي شوند
كه حافظه شان بيشتر از من قد مي دهد
براي به خاطر سپردن خيلي از نوشته ها.د

آنقدر كه آدم خيالش راحت باشد
فردا هر جا آدم از اين ژنتيك لعنتي حرف زد
طرف از يكي از قضيه هاي غير قابل فهمش دارد حرف ميزند.د

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

896 - Junk Existence

What is the "Religious intellectuality" really?

It's just pasting tape to a balloon with holes!

دختره در فرند ليست مسنجر وجود دارد
تا هر سال
يه همچين موقع هايي آفلاين بزند كه بگويد:

حسين بيشتر از آب تشنه ی لبیک بود افسوس که به جای افکارش، زخم های تنش را نشانمان دادند. و بزرگ ترین دردش را بی آبی نامیدند..... علي شريعتي

البته با كلي سوتي املايي!د

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

895 - If I had ever listened to Kate

But not on the lips!

But don't touch!

But don't Bite!

But Don't Fuck!

Fuck Goddammit!
But Don't Stop!!!

اما نه روي لب!ه

اما دست نزن!ه

دست بزن
اما گاز نگير!ه

ليس بزن!ه
اما نسپوز!ه

بسپوز لعنتي!ه
اما مكث نكن!!!ه

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

894 - Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)

Domination is the secret key to looming!

Slap the words in their faces in domination!
They become lovers
and masochists...!

Even in their very little scale of their own.

رمز همهء بزرگ جلوه كردن ها تحكم است!ه

كلمات را با تحكم به صورتشان بزن!ه
عاشقت مي شوند
و سادومازوخيست!ه

حتي در مقياس كوچولوي خودشان.ه

Saturday, December 19, 2009

893 - The Light Side Of The Moon

My Favorite Mistakes
are those Mistakes
that are Mistaken
with "Mistakes",
Though at the bottom of the line
they all have the rightest spirits!

اشتباهات مورد علاقهء من
همان اشتباهاتي هستند
كه اشتباه گرفته مي شوند
با "اشتباه"،ه
در حالي كه تمام اين "اشتباهات"ه
در عمقشان، روح كاملا درستي دارند!ه

Thursday, December 17, 2009

892 - Lousy Bitch

As a description on
Haloscan's Commenting System,
It would be more than enough
that It sold itself by deleting all of Idiot's Comments during all these years
for the price of only 9.95 Dollars!

در توصيف سيستم كامنت Haloscan همين بس

كه خودش را با دور ريختن تمام كامنت هاي اين همه سال ايديت فروخت!

آن هم فقط به ارزش 9 دلار و 95 سنت!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

891 - Telecommunication

I've been talking about myself none-stop
during the last hour
and you've been quiet!
You are silent and your silence
reminds me of the time when people
were talking about themselves none-stop
and I was Quiet.i

I feel worried...i

من در تمام اين يك ساعت،
مدام از خودم حرف زده ام
و تو ساكت بوده اي!
تو ساكتي و اين سكوت تو
مرا ياد آن وقت هاي خودم مي اندازد
وقتي آدم ها مدام از خودشان حرف مي زدند
و من ساكت بودم.

نگران مي شوم...د

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Been Sleeping like a bear in Winter!
The Funny thing is I call myself a human-being
and It's not even Winter yet!i

خوابيده ايم مثل خرس در فصل زمستان!
بامزه اينجاست كه نه زمستان از راه رسيده
خودمان را "آدم" هم صدا مي كنيم!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Suffer Well

Feel the elegance of those wild roses they get you wrapped up in
and remember
that it's wise men
Who Don't pay for the sharpness of the thorns.i

لطافت رزهاي وحشي اي كه به دورت مي پيچند را احساس كن
و به ياد داشته باش
اين مردان زيرك هستند
كه بهاي تيزي خارهايشان را به سنگيني نمي پردازند.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

It was meant to be a poker post - Idiot just figured

"My Bed"
is not my bed
And it has never been!i

I never fucked in it and I don't, ever!i

"تخت من"
تخت من نيست
و هيچ وقت هم نبوده!

من هيچ وقت در آن كسي را فاك نكرده و نمي كنم!

Friday, December 04, 2009

Dead Tired

Oh by the way...
in the end of the very busy week,
Just coming here and writing this short line: "I'm dead"
Makes me feel so Alive...i

Let's put some Rock n' Roll song on.i

در ضمن...
از شما چه پنهون كه
در پايان هفتهء شلوغي كه بالاخره تمام شد، نوشتن: "من مرده ام"
به مقدار كافي احساس زنده بودن به من ميده.
Hash Pipe

I've been told that they have called a few of my intimate girls: Infidels!
Bullshit! It's Just "God" that has been redefined for them.i

به من گفتن كه چندتا از نزديك ترين دخترهاي زندگيمو "كافر" صدا كردن!
مزخرفه! خدا براي اونا فقط دوباره معني شده!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Uhhh... Now that I have nothing special to talk about,
Then let me quash the feminism for you!i

By reasoning to the fact that
Whatever that goes on to all these innocent women
in this very mannish world we are in
is because of the biological and mental differences of the women.i

Don't agree?i

Start Drinking this bottle of Whiskey
If you feel you need to a proof!i

I can assure you
that tomorrow morning or even the noon
when you go to bathroom with that hangover
You'll find a downward flash sign on the bottom of your belly
pointing to your very feminine region
which some son of a bitch has written something up above it like this:
Idiot was in here!i

آه... حالا كه حرف خاصي ندارم،
بگذاريد پس فمينيسم را برايتان نقض كنم!

اون هم با استدلال به اين موضوع
كه هرچه در اين دنياي مرد سالار لعنتي
بر سر اين همه زن بي گناه مي رود
تماما ناشي از تفاوت هاي بيولوژيكي و روحي او است.

باور نداريد؟

براي اثبات اين موضوع
شروع كنيد به نوشيدن اين بطري ويسكي!

به شما اطمينان مي دهم
صبح يا شايد ظهر فرداي چنين شبي
وقتي با سردرد به دستشويي مي رويد
در زير شكمتان فلشي رو به نواحي فمينينتان پيدا مي كنيد
كه يك پدرسوخته اي يه چيزي توي اين مايه ها بالاي آن نوشته:
ايديت اين تو بوده!

Friday, November 27, 2009


How many more years does this generation of girls who are seeking similarities with S.B. in their relationships should last?i

Since we were 4-5, when my playmates and I were pulling up skirts of the girls of our age
we were seeking something new and different!i

نسل اين دخترهايي كه در ارتباطشان با آدم به دنبال نقطهء مشترك مي گردند تا چند سال ديگر بايد ادامه پيدا كند آخر؟

من و همبازي هايم از همان 4-5 سالگي، وقتي دامن دختر بچه هاي هم سن و سالمان را بالا مي زديم
هميشه به دنبال چيزي جديد و متفاوت مي گشتيم.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

With Eyes Open Wide

Jesus Christ
Was always a problem child!i

You see?
He's Always up there on a cross
right about to fall
and get himself killed!i

He doesn't even care
about all those people who are praying that may he stop doing that thing,
I call it "Riding on devil's back"!i

عيسي مسيح
هميشه يه بچه دردسر ساز بود!

مي بينيش؟
هميشه بالاي يه صليبه
در شرف سقوط كردن
و به كشتن دادن خودش!

او حتي
به تمام آدم هايي كه پايين صليب
براش دعا مي كنن از صليب - يا همون خر شيطوني كه من ميگم - پايين بياد
توجهي نمي كنه!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You name it

After 4 years, I've finally found the right way to put my very own interpretation of a damn "Perfect Match" into words:i

Somebody who can justify the dirtiness inside, beautifully!i

بعد از نزديك به 4 سال كلماتش را پيدا كردم تا توصيف كنم "Perfect Match" لعنتي ام را:

كسي كه بتواند Dirty ترين درونيات آدم را به زيبايي توجيه كند!
Ex, Rugs, Oak and Owl

We had a private party
till 0530 in the morning last night.i

Although The door was open to anybody.
I mean, anybody who'd feel welcomed
stepping into a jungle.i

ديشب تا 5:30 صبح
پارتي خصوصي داشتيم اينجا.

گرچه در خانه به روي هر كسي باز بود.
منظورم هر كسي كه از قدم گذاشتن به جنگل
احساس "خوش آمديد" مي كرد.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Our "watching animations" together,
could have become the biggest deal of our life;
Something like "taking a trip to San Francisco*"!i

But Damn your bad luck
that I'm such a maniac
who has a great lust for taking insane actions!i

* - This is interesting cuz "Taking a trip to San Francisco", is an Iranian Slang term for "Having sex".i

"انيميشين ديدن" ما،
مي تونست بزرگترين مهم زندگي مان شود؛
چيزي در حد "سانفرانسيسكو رفتن"!

لعنت به شانس تو
كه من كله خر
اينقدر عقدهء ديوانه بازي دارم!
Man in the Mirror Vs. Beautiful People

Some specific type of people
Do sort of things that you'd think it's more than their ability!i

They start believing this fake reality
That we are the same kind!
We can be together!i

يه وقتايي
يه سري مشخص از آدما
يه كارايي مي كنن كه فكر مي كردي از عهده شون خارج باشه!

شروع مي كنند به باور اين حقيقت دروغ
كه ما از يك نوعيم!
مي توانيم با هم باشيم!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Happiest Days Of Our Lives

It was a gray Noon of the last day of a gray week
in a gray city
and a High school with high gray brick walls!i

One Would say
Some Fuckin' Cops
in schoolmaster's shoes, dressed in gray suit
are shouting in gray loudspeaker,
giving ultimatum:
This is the last hour of the week, Don't get yourself into trouble!i

But The terrorist youth
was keeping his soul
as a hostage
and wouldn't release it to those who had sieged him!i

ظهر خاكستري آخرين روز خاكستري هفته
در يك شهر خاكستري
و يك دبيرستان با ديوارهاي بلند آجري خاكستري!

گويي پليس هاي لعنتي خاكستري
در لباس خاكستري ناظم هاي خاكستري
از بلندگو هاي خاكستري
اولتيماتوم مي دادند:
ساعت آخر هفته است، براي خودت دردسر درست نكن!

اما گروگان گير جوان،
روح جوانيش را
به گروگان گرفته بود
و به اونهايي كه محاصره اش كرده بودند، تسليم نمي كرد!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dr. I-I. Lecter

The Game that I'm about to tell you
is so simple!i

Put on your robe de chambre
Turn off the lights
and come to me,
put this earphone on
Close your eyes
and Listen to what I play for you.i

The aim of this game
is to fulfill yourself
with all the under skin senses
and see how far you can go.i

And remember
This game has only one major rule:
Don't Touch the earth!
No matter what!
And Don't panic from any obscure and strange sense
that gives your body trembles.i

In Order to do this
Free your mind
from all those things which is "The very first"
All those very first "Times"
The very first experiment,
The very first night we met,
The very first night that we are left alone in the house...i

And If you ever shy,
Don't you feel like you've failed!i

All these feelings of fear and worry caused by the doubt & insecurity in you
And your goodnight kiss and hug on the other hand,
has created such a nice innocent inconsistency in you
as beautiful as it could get
if you were supposed to let your robe de chambre go off your shoulders
with complete certainty and dare of what you're asking for,
My Pretty child!i

اين بازي اي كه مي خواهم برايت بگويم
ساده است!

رب دوشامبرت را بپوش
چراغ را خاموش كن
و بيا كنار من،
اين لنگهء هدفون را بگذار توي گوش ات،
چشمانت را ببند
و گوش كن به هرآنچه برايت مي گذارم.

هدف اين بازي
آنست كه هرچقدر بتواني
پر شوي از احساسات زير پوستي
و ببيني چقدر مي تواني ادامه بدهي.

يادت باشد
اين بازي فقط يك قانون كلي دارد:
تحت هيچ شرايطي زمين را لمس نكن
و از هر حس مبهم و گنگي كه بر اندامت لرزه انداخت،
ترس نداشته باش!

براي اين كار
ذهنت را خالي كن
از هرچه كه "اولين" است:
تمام آن اولين "بار" ها؛
اولين تجربه،
اولين شب آشنايي،
اولين شبي كه من و تو تنها در خانه مانده ايم...

و اگر يه وقت،
از جا پريدي
فكر نكن باختي!

اين همه هول و ترس ناشي از احساس شك، ترديد و نا امني در تو،
و در عين حال آن در آغوش گرفتن و بوسهء شب بخير،
تناقض كودكانه اي همانقدر زيبا در تو ايجاد كرده است
كه اگر رب دوشامبرت را تا به حال
با اطمينان و جرات كامل به چيزي كه آن را مي خواهي،
از روي دوشت به زمين انداخته بودي
كوچولوي من!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Outta Get Me

I read it once somewhere that a foreigner said: "Religion" and "Politics" are two topics in which two arguing parts - meant me vs. these people you see - would never reach an agreement. This is Iran! "Islamic Republic" of Iran! The republic part has got nonsense lately! Plus they don't clarify which type of "Islamic" it is either: Cop's Islam, or Old women's Islam. There's always been one thing for sure: Every time somebody stepped in god's shoes or act like hands of god, everything has gone critical! Imagine, they put 2 causing disagreement topics together and call a whole country with it! Me included! Shit! This is labeling me! This is a shitload of politics and religion before a simple goddamn name that's only 4 freakin' words! This makes it Iran, the most political religious country! If you watch the news, you see there is a lot of "Republic" going on in here! Streets, smell like republic! People have republic breath! Everywhere smell like republic! This much of Politics and Religion is too much for me! Seriously! It's even much more than the extent that one needs for disagreement with this country! Believe me I had already reached the disagreement with it, before all these! I swear! This extra mass is just overloading, It's overflowing! It's more than needed! It's over weighting! It's getting dangerous! Dammit: This much politics are deadly! Way too much that can get me and you killed! It will get us fuckin' killed and those 6 bullets in your goddamn revolver is not gonna get us anywhere, you idiot! you understand???i

يه جا خونده بودم كه يه خارجي گفته بود: "مذهب" و "سياست" دو مقوله اند كه دو طرف قضيه - يعني من و اين هايي كه مي بيني - هيچ وقت در آن به توافق نمي رسند. اينجا هم ايرانه! "جمهوري اسلامي" ايران! "جمهوري" اش كه معلوم نيست! منظورشان از "اسلامي" بودن را هم كه اصلا براي آدم روشن نمي كنند: اسلام پليس، يا اسلام زن هاي پير؟ فقط يه چيز مشخص بوده: هر وقت كسي جاي خدا يا دست راستش نشسته همه چيز بحراني شده! فكرش را بكن دو مقولهء غير قابل اشتراك بين افراد را كنار هم بگذارند و با آن همهء يك كشور را صدا كنند! منم توش! اين يعني برچسب زدن به من! يعني كلي سياست و مذهب قبل از يه اسم ساده كه لعنتي فقط هم 4 حرفه! يعني ايران، سياسي ترين كشور مذهبي دنيا! اين روزها اخبار رو ببيني، كلي "جمهوري" داره توش اتفاق مي افته! خيابون ها پر از بوي جمهوريه! دهن مردم بوي جمهوري ميده! همه جا بوي جمهوري ميده! اين مقدار سياست و مذهب براي من زياده! جدي مي گم! حتي بيشتر از مقداريه كه يه نفر براي به توافق نرسيدن با اين كشور نياز داره! باور كنيد من قبل از اينها هم به اين عدم توافق رسيده بودم، قسم مي خورم! اين همه حجم اضافه فقط داره سربار ميشه، داره سر ريز ميكنه! بيش از حد لازمه! داره سنگيني ميكنه! خطرناكه! لعنتي: اين همه سياست كشنده است! اونقدر زياد كه من و تو رو به كشتن مي ده! به كشتن مي ده و اين 6 تا گلولهء توي ريوالور ات هم ما رو به هيچ جا نمي رسونه احمق، مي فهمي؟؟؟

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Part of personal history

It's this year's very first November Rain.i

4 years ago,
I could only play this song with Piano,
Later On,
I got to play it in a real church!i

Time passed!
It was one of those days
I suddenly found the sympathy with my guitar
I found the feeling to feel it
And Which tunes I would enjoy playing with it?
Slash's Tunes!i

I was so into it...
There were nights that I would play all along till sunrise,
Till my fingers burn,
Till my thirst would subside!i

Until I found out that he's coming to this region,
I worked my ass,
sold my soul,
my pride
for the money!
But It was Okay
Since there were just Iranians,
The Type of people who live totally different lives than mine,
yet anonymously earning every single penny
till I got the money!i
In all those despairing days
when you're just a loner Rock n' Roller
On that fucking road, every single day
when you have nothing left to believe in
But your Guitar
And Your Rock n Roll Soul...
So I packed up my things and went abroad to that Velvet Revolver show.i

That Very Velvet Revolver Show!i

I'm not gonna tell you how I got there
or How I sneaked into the meet and greet room!
I just did it!
It Just happened!
I did get to meet with Slash in person!
I did sit right next to him
I did put my arms around him
I did take a picture with him
And I did take his autograph
and his autobiography book
and I did have a few words with him!i
And by the way,
Of course I saw this Man's performance,
Like none of those 15,000 people did!i

This is something you'll never got to know how it feels!
Something that you'll never understand!
Something beyond words
Something beyond life
It's not a matter of praising a Guitar Icon
It's a matter of the greatest inner satisfaction
from the depths of your... heart, soul, whatever you can ever call it,
When the other night,
you're stoned in your bed,
thinking about what you experienced,
One great personal achievement,
Greatest of the great beliefs,
with the biggest smile on your face,
like your muscles got hurt...i

You're the only one who knows...i
And you're the only one who feels...i


And here I am now:
Friend's Bad ass Rocker Dude!
I play "November Rain" With My Guitar,
With the Video on
Thunders flashing through the window
And the sound of rain drops
and that fresh smell of rain,
My curly hair is as long,
and my soul is as wild...

I take that very special Cigarette, I kept for a year,
And I play the whole song,
once again, like I have never did this great before!i

Like I never played November Rain, this great before!i
Like I never played November Rain, this great before!i
Like I never played November Rain, this great before!


In this very moment,
I have every intention to say:
That I've achieved anything
Slash Sake!
I even have my very own curly hair!!!
and I can mimic most of his greatest tunes!

There is only one great wish left here,
The greatest of all:
finding my very own guitar playing self

Monday, November 02, 2009

پارازيت ايديتيكال: قصهء جنبش قرمز رنگ خال خال سفيد شورت مامان دوز عمهء ايديت

فردا كه بهاي قبض هاي برق 4 برابر شود
زامبي ها به خيابان ها مي ريزند
و به خوردن يكديگر مي پردازند.

اين وسط
موسوي و طرفدارانش
در پي پس گرفتن 13 آبان
و مناسبت هاي انقلاب هستند.

تو هم كه جديدا
نماز جمعه و راهپيمايي برو شدي!

من هم كه هنوز احمدي نژاد،
با آن استعداد خيره كننده خود و اطرافيان اش
كـاراكـتر مورد علاقه ام است!

افاضات آقاي گنجي را دريابيد
كه هنوز غلطي نكرده، دولت تعيين مي كند!
توي دهن اين و آن و يكي پشت سرش و ياروي 4 طرف آن طرف ترش هم مي زند!
طوري حرف مي زند كه ايديت را به فكر مي اندازد:
جـنـبـش سـبـز
- با انواع طرفداران اين طرفي، آن طرفي و بي طرفي اش در ايران و خارج از آن -
بالاخره مال آقايان موسوي، گنجي و... است،
يا مال مردمي كه برگ راي شان زير درخت آلبالو گم شده؟

در اين حال و روز
ايرينين ايديت پيشنهاد مي دهد:
فردا اگر زامبي ها شما را نخوردند
يا فردگرايي ايراني تان تك تك شما را به زوال نكشاند
حواستان به انقلاب سبزتان باشد
رنگش چندان مهم نيست
مهم انقلابش است:
موجودي كه مي خورد، بچه هاي خودش را!

اگر رنگ سبز را ازتان گرفتند
نگران نباشيد!
شانس اين را پيدا كنيد كه از انقلابش جان سالم به در ببريد
اگر با اجل هم كنار بياييد
آن وقت ضرورتا طبق گفته هاي آقاي گنجي
مي رويد رنگ ديگري انتخاب مي كنيد!

براي ايده از رنگ شورت مامان دوز عمه تان الهام بگيريد
و اگر نمي توانيد دامن عمه تان را بالا بزنيد
مهم نيست!
رنگ شورت مامان دوز عمه ها به طور پيش فرض
قرمز خال خال سفيد است!

در آخر اين را همواره در ذهن داشته باشيد
چه رنگ سبز مال شما باشد
چه مال آقاي گنجي و بستگان محترم وابسته،
شما مردم عزيز
صرفا يك ابزار بوده و هستيد!
مثل ميخ
گرچه سر شما به طور بالفعل ضرب چكش را حس نكرده باشد.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Hell-O-Win Special

Happy Halloween!i

It's 3:17 here
and you are listening to our rummy cheers from the very Haight Ashbury!
In this smoky atmosphere
me and all my allies
are walking on the edges on our lives
Mid-20's Style!i

in this eastern society
who needs halloween
when I have your face
and you have mine to bear all the time?i

sign.: Your favorite nightmare

هالووين مبارك!

ساعت 3:17 دقيقه است
و شما صداي هياهوي سرمست ما را از Haight Ashbury الهيه مي شنويد!
در اين فضاي مه آلود
من و تمام همراهانم
داريم بر لبهء زندگي هاي مان راه مي رويم
به سبك نيمه هاي دههء دوم

در اين جامعهء شرقي
چه كسي به هالووين نياز دارد
ماداميكه من ريخت شما،
و شما ريخت من را پيش چشم داريد؟

امضا: كابوس مورد علاقهء شما

Oh By the way!i
You know our comment section, so...i
Trick or treat!i

بخش كامنت را كه حواستان هست؟
Trick or treat!i

Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is NOT a bittersweet note

in my very own recent discoveries,
I've figured
That I Listen to Nirvana, anytime I have conflict between my feelings.i

در جديدترين يافته هاي دروني مان
كاشف به عمل آمديم
نيروانا را زماني گوش مي كنيم كه تعارض احساسات پيش آمده باشد.
Sevenfold Serenades

Free Physical Service
to any spot of your body!i

Call Us!i

سرويس فيزيكال رايگان
به تمام نقاط بدن شما!

فقط با يك تماس!

Friday, October 30, 2009


There is something wrong with me these days
I'm feeling "OKAY" with my everyday life routine...i

اين روزها يه چيزيم شده
احساس مي كنم روتين روزهام خوب و عاديه...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mr. Idiot's Having A Good Day

Let's See What I am doing today...
Emm... Nothing!
But I was doing the same thing yesterday!
Yeah! I was not finished...i

بذار ببينم امروز دارم چه كار مي كنم...
اما من ديروز هم داشتم همين كارو مي كردم!
آره خب! فكر كنم كارم تموم نشده بود...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rocket Queens

If I am ever ripped off,i
No Problem!i
In the history of human race
There have always been unknown women
who'd take back the stealables
for specific amount of money.i

Even though they don't look quite like the way they used to be.i

اگر تكه اي از ما دزديده شد
باكي نيست!
در طول تاريخ بشريت
همواره زنان ناشناسي بوده اند
كه دزديده شدني ها را در قبال مبلغي پول

حتي اگر ديگر كاملا مثل اولش نباشد.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bla Bla Bla

I've officially become Reckless!i

Too much Recklessness

The Others!i

رسما بي قيد شده ام!

بي قيدي زياد
مي كشد:

ديگران رو!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Goodnight Lovers

Accept me as your worst favorite nightmare!i

I will assure you
at the end of the night that
I'll be reciting
the most beautiful sadomasochistic lullabies
in you ear
your sobs get quiet,i
your tears go dry,i
and your eyes go off.i

من را به عنوان بدترين كابوس مورد علاقه تان بپذيريد!

به شما اطمينان مي دهم
در انتهاي شب
در لالهء گوشتان
برايتان زيباترين
لالايي هاي سـادومـازوخـيسـتي را از بر نجوا كنم
تا آنجا كه هق هق هايتان آرام،
اشك هايتان خشك،
و چشمانتان خاموش شود.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

London After Midnight

I never understand Cops!i

Their Nature is as Criminous as Criminal's Nature!
The only difference is that Which can bully the other
in specific Situations.i

I'm not only talking about cops in Iran - The Public Enemy #1s or The Rapists -i
I'm talking about all the cops around the world:
All The Legal Criminals!
Who unlike their illegal type
Their wisdom is not based on Individual terms
Based on written laws.i

This fact not at all gives you the sense of protection,
Whats more, it makes this conflict even scarier!i

I donno When one can trust them
I just know
that I should not mess with them
that one should stay away from 'em
and stay out of their business.
That's all!i

من هيچ وقت پليس ها را نمي فهمم!

طبيعت آن ها همانقدر جاني ماآب است كه طبيعت جاني ها!
تنها تفاوتش در اينست كه در موقعيت هاي مختلف
كدام يك مي تواند براي ديگري قلدري كند.

من فقط در مورد پليس هاي ايران - همان پابليك انمي هاي شمارهء يك، ريپيست ها و... - صحبت نمي كنم
من در مورد پليس در هر كجاي دنيا حرف مي زنم:
تمام جاني هاي قانوني!
كه بر خلاف انواع غير قانوني،
منطق شان نه بر پايهء اصول فردي
بر طبق قوانين از پيش تعيين شده، نوشته شده است.

اين مسئله نه تنها حس امنيت را القا نمي كند
بلكه اين تضاد را ترسناك تر هم مي كند.

من نمي دانم كي مي شود به آن ها اطمينان كرد
فقط مي دانم
نبايد با آن ها قاطي كرد.
بايد از آن ها دور ماند
و كاري به كارشان نداشت.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eight Hundred Sixty Four

You are not my lost half, Are you?i


Some Comments deserve to become a note!
Comments like this, which cuts a so called perfect note
in half
and stick another half to it
and take it to heaven!i

Sign.: A puzzle piece who thinks he's perfect.i


Prove yourself!i

شما نيمهء گمشدهء من نيستيد، هستيد؟


بعضي كامنت ها ارزش "پست" شدن دارن!
كامنت هايي از اين دست، كه يه پست مثلا كامل را
نصف كرده
نصفهء گمشده اش را بهش مي چسبانند
و به عرش مي رسانند!

امضا: تيكه پازلي كه فكر مي كند كامل است!


خودتان را اثبات كنيد!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I should go find myself some new girls
for the times I'm listening To Oasis - She's Love

بايد بروم براي خودم يه دختر جديدي پيدا كنم
براي وقتايي كه دارم Oasis - She's Love گوش مي كنم.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Screw The Monkey On My Back

Now that my high speed internet is temporarily disconnected
(the calm before 1 megabyte/sec Storm!)
I have faced the fact
that opening a blocked web page like Idiot
with Dial-up internet
Demands such a mood!i

And as long as, I only care about
just a few certain loyal visitors from Iran:
Fuck That!i

حالا كه اينترنت ADSL ام قطع شده
(آرامش قبل از طوفان 1 مگابايت!)
به اين نتيجه رسيده ام
كه باز كردن يك وبلاگ فيلتر شده مثل ايديت
با سرعت هاي Dial-Up
واقعا حوصلهء زيادي مي طلبد!

و از آن جايي كه در مورد ويزيتور هاي داخل ايران
صرفا به چند ويزيتور ثابت اهميت مي دهم:
به توپ پينگ پنگ ام!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Oxi- Moron!i

Yesterday was so not a bitter day!
Such a So-not-a-bitter day that
One could drink off the last 100 CC of Scotch from the bottle
With a piece of Toblerone
and not wrinkle the brow at all.i

Yesterday was so not a bitter day!i

ديروز اصلا يه روز تلخ نبود!
آنقدر روز تلخي نبود كه
مي تونستي آخرين 100 سي سي بطري اسكاچ رو يه ضرب تا ته
و با يه تيكه تابلرون بخوري
و اصلا خم به ابرو هم نياري.

ديروز اصلا يه روز تلخ نبود!

Monday, September 14, 2009

All Apologies

Inside Every cynical Man
There is a disappointed Idealist!
The more this man gets realistic
The more Disappointed!i

Tell me,
Do you still fall in love?
Still Get impressed by a movie?
Enjoy hangin' out with your friends?
Or Still Believe in Patriotism?i

You must be lucky!
Both You,
And Those who Use you!i

New Words and Expressions:
Cynical - adj. sarcastic; doubting the sincerity of others, pessimistic

درون هر آدم Cynical*
يك ايده آليست مايوس وجود دارد!
هرچه اين آدم واقع بين تر مي شود
مايوس تر!

هنوز هم عاشق مي شويد؟
تحت تاثير يك فيلم قرار مي گيريد؟
از بودن با دوستانتان لذت مي بريد؟
به ميهن پرستي اعتقاد داريد؟

بايد خوش شانس باشيد!
هم شما،
هم كساني كه شما را استعمال مي كنند!

*كلمه ها و تركيبات تازه:
Cynical - adj. sarcastic; doubting the sincerity of others, pessimistic

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Live and Let Die!i

I believe in the non-equality of Human beings!i

Some people MUST die!i

It's not a matter of skin color!
It's simply: Who took my very own chance of living?i

من به قضيهء نابرابري انسان ها معتقدم!

بعضي از مردم بايد بميرند!

بحث رنگ پوست هم نيست!
مسئله خيلي ساده است: كي فرصت زندگي را از من گرفت؟

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Oasis - I'm Outta timei

2nd Day...
And... Still there is no good news at all!i

I guess that's why it is "The 2nd Day".i


My Head is not where it should be!i

It's up there
in the clouds
and when it does not exist on my neck
Feet start walking back and forth in the room and corridors:
The right side of my rain thinks about west,
and the left side, thinks about East.i

It's Tearing apart,
I guess I'm gonna lose it one of these days.i


Still when bottles get empty
I put messages in them
Throw 'em in the water...i


روز دوم...
و... اصلا خبرهاي خوبي به گوش نمي رسه!

فكر كنم به همين خاطره كه هست "روز دوم."


سر من سر جاي خودش نيست!

اون بالاست
توي ابرها
و وقتي روي گردن سوار نيست
پاها بنا مي كنن براي خودشون طول اتاق و راه رو ها راه رفتن:
نيم كرهء راست به غرب فكر مي كنه
نيم كرهء چپ به شرق.

داره از وسط پاره ميشه،
فكر كنم همين روزاس كه از دستش بدم.


همچنان كه بطري ها خالي مي شوند
پيغام ها را توي آن ها مي گذارم
مي اندازم به آب...


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Support The Government: Keep the idiots in Iran n' Let 'em Brain drain

استاد شفيعي كدكني كه رفت!
قدر ايديت را بدانيد قبل از اينكه دير شود...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Praise The Lord

I donno If I had told this before or not
but The Iranian's Who get to read "Iranian (freakin') idiot" are the smartest!
I mean they either know how to bypass filters
or were smart enough to leave this country in the first place!i

نمي دونم قبلا اينو گفته بودم يا نه
اما ايراني هايي كه "ايرانين ايديت" رو مي خونن از جملهء باهوش ترين ها هستند!
منظورم اينه كه اونها بلدند چطور فيلترينگ رو دور بزنن
يا همون اول اونقدر عاقل بودن كه اين كشور رو ترك كنن!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

History (repeats itself)i

Forgive me if I'm wrong but....
Is Kennedy Shot Dead, AGAIN?i

اگر اشتباه مي كنم منو ببخشيد!
اما كندي رو باز با تير زدن كشتن؟

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Love Note

Ordinary type of women,
love men who fuck 'em!
But For your type I'd Say
You love men who rape you!i

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Children of Down Below

What was the name of that girl, who used to sniff Vodka?i

اسم اون دختره چي بود كه ودكا اسنيف مي كرد؟

Monday, August 03, 2009

Trial For Khatami's former vice president

Then / Now
بعد / قبل
Radish / Ginseng
جينسنگ / تربچه
Abtahie / Abtahee
ابتهي / ابطحي

Related Link: L.A. Times

Friday, July 31, 2009

40days and counting

This is Thursday, 30th of July. Streets of Iran, Pedestrians! Where people are shining candles as a memorial to Neda Agha Soltan, Sohrab Araabi and all those Innocent youths of our age who got shot and killed by government guards. People are writing their first names on a piece of paper putting beside candles, and writing them messages on the wall.i

I personally couldn't share this note with you with words. So this picture and a song is my only gift to them. May they rest in peace!i

پنج شنبه شب است. 8 مرداد 1388. خيابان هاي ايران، پياده رو ها! جايي كه مردم به ياد ندا آقا سلطان، سهراب اعرابي و تمام ان جوان هاي بي گناهي كه معصومانه با گلوله كشته شدند شمع روشن مي كنند و نامشان را بر روي كاغذ نوشته در كنار شمع ها قرار داده و براي آن ها بر روي ديوار پيغام مي نويسند.

باشد كه روحشان همواره در آرامش بياسايد.

Edits made to this picture for security reasons.
Copyrighted to Iranian idioti
ويرايش در عكس صرفا به جهت مسائل امنيتي است.

Recommended Music:
Enya - May it be 3.24 MB.i

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


is a matter of wearing underwear.i

You don't go wear the same underwear
At the end of the day,
even if you do,
you do it with total reluctance.i

همان مسئلهء پوشيدن لباس زير هستند.

نشون به اون نشون كه
آدم لباس زير روزي كه تموم شده رو
فرداش نمي پوشه.
اگر هم بپوشه،
با اكراه اين كارو مي كنه.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I saw it,
It was a wild river of blood
with guards on both costs
pointing their guns
which I was paddling from drowning
trying to reach for a stone or a branch
heading to a waterfall
called Democracy:i

Iranian Democracy

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Astonishing Panorama Of the Post Election times

It's not a ridiculous effort to be looking cool!
It's not even funny!i

Sitting on the toilet
And its coming
Either feces
or thoughts,
You choose!i

It's a Fact!
A New Phase...i

نه تلاش احمقانه اي براي باحال جلوه كردن است!
نه يك نوشتهء چندان مسخره!

نشسته ام در توالت
و مي آيد
يا فكر
انتخابش با خودتان!

حقيقت است!
يك فاز جديد.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Demonstrations in Iran Heated Up on Saturday

Picture source: Reuters

Demonstrations in Iran has gone further as there was a big question after Iran's Supreme leader giving threats on his Friday speech. All Mousavi's Supporters were expecting to hear a proper respond to their request of election disannul.i

Before the speech some people were even thinking that Ahmadi Nejad has kept Ayatollah Khameneyi as a hostage in their Coup specially at the time when Iran's Supreme leader was silent.i

Whats more, before Ayatollah Khameneyi's speech on Friday, people were protesting against Ahmadi Nejad and the Election Fraud. But It seems that they have gone further and are now addressing Iran's Supreme leader as the supporter of Ahmadi Nejad in their protests for the cause of the fraud, On Saturday, a day which demonstrators call it "A Day To Remember".i

Demonstrations were held in large numbers of people again and peoples these nights routine: Shouting "Allaho Akbar(God's The Great)" on the houses roof tops were heard louder than Ever!
meanwhile some were shouting "Khameneyi Rahbar (Khameneyi the Leader)" which is basically a rhyme to the "Allaho Akbar" in terms of military forces marchs.i

in Other trustworthy news, a suicide bomber landed in "Ayatollah Rohollah Khomeini Shrine" in paraglider in southern Tehran, as it was shown in a video. The number of victims are yet remained different, some news websites say 2 were killed and 8 wounded while some other say that it just wounded 2.i
Demonstrators reaction to this fact is that: "the government is trying to brace Ayatollah Khomeiny's Devotees". yet there hasn't been any reaction to this happening from government yet.i

Friday, June 19, 2009

One week passed

What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
Which is the way he wants it !
Well, he gets it !
N' I don't like it any more than you men. i

See Also

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obviously... i


Note: Protesters against The election Fraud in Iran

Monday, June 15, 2009

Former Iranian Reformist President, M. Khatami is arrested

Ps: Those who are marked with the arrow are a part security forces who don't wear official police forces yet have enough power to give orders.

Ps on 16/6/2009: Arrested or not, he is not actually in jail right now, they say he made a speech today. i

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Iranian Idiot's Very own Reasons Why No Vote for Mousavi - Iran's Presidential Election Special

Please Note: This article is published as a draft due to the shortage of time, corrections might be made afterward. Please accept my apologies.

Believe it or not, Ahmadi Nejad is a Phenomenon!
A Phenomenon that rised 4 years ago in Iran. An unknown person or yet to be known who was only known Tehran's mayor at the time. I remember when he was a candidate, people were laughing at him and his thoughts and they were making fun of him. even when he was elected as the time's Iran's president, all the scorns were still coming. something that has become a routine among people in Iran via text messages or at their family gatherings. until all those ridiculous thoughts turned to national laws and were about to be obeyed and that was the time when people realized that Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad believes in whatever he says. and this was the time when his beliefs turned peoples laughs into sobs!
Ahmadi Nejad is a serious matter according to Iranians or even global issues, even though he is a vain individual for some people! The thing that a large number of people in Iran are gathered together to stop this phenomenon from winning the Iran's presidential election on Friday says it all!
He is somebody who is popular among at least Iranians in small cities and the ruler of Iran supports him even in Iran's Presidential election.

On the other hand, a large number of people who live in big cities, are supporting Mousavi (who claims he is reformist) on the other side of the pole where Ahmadi Nejad (the conservative candidate).

But Why saying NO to Mousavi?

There was this article from "Shahabnews website" who is dedicated to Reformists and specially Mousavi with the title: "7 Key tips for those who deprecate the present situation: Arise!" . A motivating article for the public of the big cities (PBC) who's difference from public in the small cities is just that their lifestyle is tawdry and depends on their very own Iranian comprehension from western culture through satellite TVs and internet. I personally believe that they just dont know what they want in a candidate or the election, nor they dont know who they are voting to. they are just trying to stop Ahmadi Nejad from being elected as the next president. For example:

In this article, the writer precisely asks you to participate in the presidentila election. but what is the reason? its just: "The major issue is a 3 word question: Ahmadi Nejad, Yes/No?" the writer says.

This Article starst with a paragraph that inspires the reader that he is a from a party of people who KNOWS THE TRUTH and thinks the right thing, and starts giving him guidances which are rather unsubstantial in some terms!

Shahab News: "So arise today! Use your every single moment to inform the society and people from the truth [...]"

Inform! if you walk in Tehrans streets these days you'll see supporting youths of Mousavi, wearing green, dancing, shouting, - which is a prohibited thing even in privacy but its somehow OK during the election as you dont find any of those Moral Police that you used to see on the other days - Girls asking you to vote for Mousavi, and when you ask Why Mousavi? "You just Vote! please! Ok?!" they say in return!

Shahab News: "The Issue is not the electing this or that, the major issue is stop those who took Iran and Iranians to the edge from being elected!

So this means that the only reason that these people are gonna participate in voting for the next president is to Stop Ahmadi Nejad! So what do all these posters that claim "CHANGE" (!) mean at all? What change? What are the plans for that? Or regarding another issue: who took Iran and Iranians to the edge? those who won people's 17 million votes previously?

This website and its special article asks people to call others or text message them, send them e-mail (as I first got this through my e-mail) changing the Yahoo 360 profiles into green, or Green facebook profile pictures!

Well Thank for the guidances that politics behind all these has given, seeing those people around us and in our privacy which is such an important issue ( at least for me which is personally so different from or better saying against all the norms of the law and government) was something that made us to consider more into our privacy and those around us. those who we thought are like us! If I call this "Green Flu", I'd say I found 2-3 affected example of the Green Flu in my very own restricted Facebook profile which really made me reconsider.
That individual who was sacked from University and migrated to America! which tells me that America is full of people so waste of green card!
Or Those whose privacy's atmosphere is totally different from the ideologic atmosphere of the society! and were supposed to be like me but...
and so many other examples that will be mentioned in a short paragraphs.

Shahab news calls a specific style of people: Those youths who were opposed by the Moral Police.
You see, I AM one of the typical opposed youths by the police by all means! With my long and curely hair and being a fan of Hard Rock music and not even Metal music which all in all are defined as "Satanists" and it results in "infidels" and all the circumstances after that for just listening to Metallica or Scorpions let alone all the Metal Genres, anyway, Having all that said I'd like to say that All those Moral Police Vans clearly show that these people in green outfits of police and security are just enough insecure for me which made me to drive in my car rather than walking in the pedestrians, and again I can listen to my favorite music with my favorite rock style outfit.
To me the issue of the Moral police is not that dangerous that it is when you see people around you, who have done heavy make up, or drink in their privacy, or their severe criticism of the government in their privacy and any other "Immoral signs" doing something that totally goes right with the "Moral Signs" of the government that they claim that they dont believe in or etc. To Me, personally, these polar behaviours are more dangerously than those Moral police who have even dressed very specifically to express their very special manner!
Or as it is for my very natural curely hair, Nothing is more insecuring, dangerous or averse that the staring look of all the people to me and the "Unnatural" thing about me and whatever I am. that style of hair that sometimes led me to fights or getting me nervous in fast foods and cafes and all the public places.
Considering all these, Who is more dangerous? All these sort of people that exist every single where or the Moral police which stop by in special places, round abouts of the city?

I still would like to talk about some other issues that I face when observing Iranian people these days, specially those who are Mousavi supporters:

- They say No to Ahmadi Nejad, But Who instead?
- Why Mousavi? Just because he is not another Ahmadi Nejad, it gives him the authority?
- All you youths who thing you are the intellectuals of the society, 3 cm's shorter bermuda pants or listening out loud to music while driving in your cars is just enough for you as a CHANGE?
- Metal heads in Iran tell me we could held a public concert when Khatami was the president! What Metal concert? Sitting on a chair? with no head bangs? no devil horns or as authorities would say: "immoral signs"? no signs of giving out the damn energy? No vocals? or Players who are standing on the stage like scarecrows with no movement? and mostly sucking so many b.... to get the authorization for such a concert for a long period of time? I'd like to ask what do they KNOW about Metal concerts? They are a just a bunch of depressed individuals, Dead men walking! And no Protesters!
- Mousavi doesn't have what it takes to speak as a politician! Karoubi talks about issues like the majority of people, Ahmadi Nejad is well known around the world, and Rezayi talks like the managers with prestige but I am not sure how much those around him would like to misuse their power for money and all that. though still there is/are (a) choice (s) for me among all these.
- Iranian people forget the history easily! 12 years ago such people rised and voted for Khatami against Nategh Nouri. Where did that rush of people reached after 8 years? Despair from the Reformists and then Ahmadi Nejad.
- Iranian People will repeat the history: 4 years after Mousavi is elected for Irans Next president (if elected) "I was fixing whatever Ahmadi Nejads destructed"! Mousavi would say.
- 4 Years after that 4 years: (again if elected) "They didn't let me do all those reforms that I wanted to do." Mr Reformist would say. Even Karoubi knows what I'm saying!
- Mousavi supporters in this election who are counted to be the intellectuals of the Iranian society (!), they completely proved that the majority of the people in Iran are completely used to the bog that they have created themselves and are used to and OK with it.
you can find the proof for this statement when you hear a memorable statement from the supporters of Mousavi saying: "We don't expect things to get better, we just don't want it to get worst than this!" or "If Mousavi comes, The conditions wont get worst even if it doesn't get any better."
This so called Intellectual part of Iranian people are grouped in two: Those who cant go to other countries, or even they could they just don't get the right side of the western manners and culture, and they are always dealing with something weird, or just shopping from a few known brand names or getting tanned on the sea shore or pool side!

I swear these people don't know what democracy is! Those who talk about reforms - with 8 years of "Reforms" - they don't know what reform is! Those who talk of Change, don't know what Change is! They just don't know what they want, they only know what they don't want!

I will vote! and unlike my style and what public would guess when they know who I go for if I'd ever gonna vote for somebody, I'm not a reformist! I'm not a part of this "green bog". I unfortunately will vote for Ahmadi Nejad even I'm not his supporters and way on different polls from his supporters! I've got this other theory of mine which not even Shahab news (specially in the 7th Paragraph), nor none of you people who think you know the truth, nor those who think you have understood me and have known me, haven't counted in your calculations yet!i

PS famous last words of Mousavi on his last appearance before the election on TV:
1- I'm a Militia (Basij)
2- I Want my supporters to regard the islamic norms. (Addressing people dancing and shouting for him)i

PS.: Monday 6/15/09 Hoping for a riot when writing this, Never expecting that it actually would happen!

باور كنيد يا نه احمدي نژاد يك پديده است!

پديده اي كه در 4 سال قبل ظهور كرد. فردي تقريبا گمنام و شناخته نشده كه مي رفت شناخته شود و تا آن زمان فقط او را به اسم شهردار تهران مي شناختند. يادم مي آيد خندهء آدم هايي كه به او و افكارش مي خنديدند و آن را به تمسخر مي گرفتند! با انتخاب شدنش در انتخابات همچنان موج تمسخر ها ادامه داشت. چيزي كه در ميان مردم جامعهء ايران امري روتين و عادي شده است. تا اينكه كم كم تمام آن افكار خنده دار در واقعيت تبديل به قانون شد و مردم درك كردند محمود احمدي نژاد به حرف هايي كه مي زند اعتقاد كامل دارد. و اين اعتقاد او بود كه خنده هاي استهزا آميز را كم كم تبديل به هق هق كرد!
احمدي نژاد در دنياي امروز ايران و حتي جهان مسئلهء مهمي است حتي اگر به چشم بعضي ها نيايد! اين موضوع هم كه در ايران امروز قشر بزرگي از مردم جمع شده اند تا از انتخاب مجدد اين "پديده"ء جامعهء ايران جلوگيري كنند خود گوياي اين حقيقت است كه محمود احمدي نژاد يك موضوع مهم است! اگرچه خيلي ها نخواهند او را ببينند!
فردي كه از محبوبيت خاصي در ميان عامي ترين قشر ايران برخوردار است و رهبر انقلاب اسلامي ايران هم از او حمايت مي كند.

در چنين وضعيتي ديگر قشري از مردم ايران كه بيشتر در شهر هاي بزرگ زندگي مي كنند حمايت خود را از موسوي به عنوان نقطهء مقابل احمدي نژاد اعلام مي كنند! من اسم اين قشر را مردم عامي شهرهاي بزرگ مي نامم!

اما چرا موسوي نه؟

اين نوشتهء "هفت توصیه کلیدی به افراد ناراضی از شرایط فعلی: به‌پا خیزید" از سايت شهاب نيوز را بخوانيد. مقاله اي تهييج آميز براي مردمي كه همان آدم هاي عامي هستند تنها زرق و برق زندگيشان متفاوت تر است! به اعتقاد من آن ها نمي دانند چه مي خواهند و به چه كسي راي مي دهند، فقط مي خواهند از انتخاب مجدد احمدي نژاد جلوگيري كنند. به مورد زير توجه كنيد:

در اين مقاله به صراحت از شما مي خواهد كه در انتخابات (به نفع موسوي) شركت كنيد. اما چه دليلي ارائه مي كند؟ ببينيد: "مسئلهء اصلي كه سوال سه كلمه اي است: «احمدي نژاد آري يا نه؟»

اين مقاله كه شروع آن با پاراگرافي است كه به خواننده القا مي كند جز قشري است كه حقايق را مي داند (!!!) و درست فكر مي كند (!)، شروع به دادن رهنمود هايي مي كند كه بعضا مضحك است!

- شهاب نيوز: "بنابراین از همین امروز بپاخیزید. از لحظه لحظه خود برای آگاهی بخشیدن به جامعه و مطلع کردن مردم از حقايق {...} استفاده کنید."

آگاهي بخشيدن! خيلي ها را در خيابان مي بينيد، دختر و پسر كه از شما مي خواهند به موسوي راي بدهيد! وقتي مي پرسيد چرا؟ فقط به شما مي گويند: "شما فقط راي بده! باشه؟!"

- شهاب نيوز: ضمن آن که اصلاً بحث «رای آوردن» فلان شخص یا بهمان شخص نیست؛ بحث اصلی «رای نیاوردن» کسانی است که مردم ایران را به لبه پرتگاه برده‌اند.

صرف شركت شما در انتخابات راي نياوردن ديگران است! پس اين همه پوستر هايي كه حرف از "تغيير يا Change" مي زنند چيست؟! كدام برنامه اي براي تغيير؟ يا مورد ديگر چه كساني مردم ايران را به لبهء پرتگاه برده اند؟ همان كساني كه 17 ميليون راي مردم را در دورهء قبل كسب كردند؟

- شهاب نيوز در مورد چهارم و پنجم مردم را به تماس گرفتن، اس ام اس زدن، ايميل زدن، تغيير فضاي 360 و فيس بوك مي كند!

با تشكر از رهنمود هاي سياستمدار هاي نويسندهء اين مطلب، مي بينيم به عنوان مثال سبز كردن عكس پروفايل دوستان در فيس بوك و غيره باعث شد به عمق روشنفكري اطرافيان خود توجه بيشتري بكنيم و تجديد نظري در تفاوت هاي فكري خود و نزديكانمان داشته باشيم! كساني كه فكر مي كرديم از نوع خودمان هستند! اين پديده را كه اسم آن را "آنفلوآنزاي سبز" مي نامم و با تعجب 2-3 مورد آن در حريم شخصي و محدود اينجانب مشاهده شد، علامت سوال بزرگي را در ذهن من بوجود آورد.
كسي كه در دورهء خاتمي از دانشگاه اخراج شده بودند در حال حاضر در آمريكا دارد طرفداري موسوي مي كند!
افرادي كه فضاي حريم خصوصي شان با فضاي ايدئولوژيك محيط خارج از خانه زمين تا آسمان تفاوت هاي فاحش دارد!
و موارد ديگري از اقشار جامعه كه بازتاب تفكر و رفتارهايشان در ادامه به نقد گرفته مي شود.

- شهاب نيوز در مورد پنجم افرادي را مخاطب قرار مي دهد: همان جواناني كه مخاطب اصلي گشت ارشاد بوده اند.
من به عنوان يكي از مخاطبان اصلي گشت ارشاد، با موهاي فر بلند و طرفدار هارد راك و نه متال - كه گرچه هر دو در تعريفات پليس ايران به "شيطان پرست" (!!!) معني مي شود - بايد عرض كنم، ون هاي گشت ارشاد خود به وضوح نشان مي دادند و اعلام مي كردند اين گونه افرادي كه در لباس پليس و امنيت هستند براي من نا امن هستند كه باعث شد به اين نتيجه برسم در رفت و آمد هايم در سطح شهر بهتر است از ماشين استفاده كنم! كه مي توانم در آن با صدايي معقول موزيك مورد علاقه ام راك را هم گوش كنم و استايلم هماني باشد كه دوست دارم!
اين موضوع گشت ارشاد آنقدر خطرناك تر از اين موضوع نيست كه آدم هايي را دوروبرت داشته باشي كه به صرف ظاهر آرايش كرده يا مشروب خوردنشان و انتقادهايشان از نظام حاكم بر ايران، از درونيات متضاد و متحير كننده شان خبر نداشته باشي! من آدم هايي كه از نظام انتقاد شديد مي كنند و در عين حال در مواقعي رفتاري از خود نشان مي دهند در راستاي رفتارهاي نظامي كه ابراز مي كنند به آن اعتقاد ندارند و روحياتشان متضاد است را بسيار نا امن كننده تر از كساني مي يابم كه در لباسي متحد الشكل چارچوب درون و برون خود را به شكل مشخصي ارائه مي دهند!
يا در مورد نوع موهاي "طبيعي" من، كه به چشم شايد تمام مردم ايران "غير طبيعي" به نظر مي رسد بايد بگويم، هيچ چيز به اندازهء نگاه خيرهء مردم به من و هر آنچه كه هستم خطرناك تر و بيزار كننده تر و نا امن تر وجود ندارد. مويي كه در مواقعي باعث دعوا مي شود، باعث عصبي شدن در محيط هاي شلوغ و... همه و همه اين سوال را باقي مي گذارند: اين مردمي كه همه جا هستند خطرناك ترند يا گشت ارشادي كه در محل هاي مشخصي از ميدان ها و خيابان ها حضور دارند يا رفت و آمد مي كنند؟؟؟

در پايان اين بحث به چند مورد ديگر در مورد مردمي كه نظرشان موسوي است مي پردازم:

- مي گويند احمدي نژاد نه! اين درست اما چه كسي؟
- چرا موسوي؟ آيا صرف اينكه موسوي، احمدي نژاد نيست به او صلاحيت لازم را مي دهد؟
- شما جوانان و دانشجوياني كه فكر مي كنيد روشنفكران جامعه هستيد، 3 سانت پاچهء شلوار كوتاه تر يا آهنگ گوش كردن در ماشين با صداي بلند واقعا كارتان را راه مي اندازد؟!
- متال بازها مي گويند در زمان خاتمي اجازهء كنسرت هاي متال مي دادند! چه كنسرت متالي؟ روي صندلي؟ دست به سينه نشسته، خالي از هدبنگ؟ ممنوع از دادن "علامت هاي غير شان"؟ خالي از تخليهء انرژي؟ بدون خواننده؟ و نوازنده هايي كه مثل مترسك روي صحنه مي ايستند؟ و بالاتر از تمام اين حرف ها كلي ... مالي براي گرفتن مجوز؟؟؟ شما از كنسرت متال واقعا چه مي دانيد؟! شما آدم هاي افسرده ايد، مرده هاي متحرك! نه موجي اعتراضي!
- موسوي در حرف هايش ادبيات يك مرد سياسي پيدا نمي شود! كروبي يك لر عامي است كه حرف هاي كوچه بازاري مي زند. احمدي نژاد را كه همهء دنيا مي شناسند. رضايي حرف ها و شخصيت يك مدير را دارد اما معلوم نيست اطرافيان او بر خلاف خود او چقدر به پر كردن كيسه هاي خود روي آورند. اگر چه براي انتخاب كردن موارد يا مواردي هنوز وجود دارند.
- مردم ايران تاريخ را فراموش مي كنند! خاتمي 4 سال رياست جمهوري كرد و خيلي ها از او مايوس شدند، 4 سال بعد كه انتخاب شد كاملا روشي را در پيش گرفت كه رسما آني نبود كه خودش گفته بود!
- و مردم ايران تاريخ را تكرار مي كنند! 12 سال پيش چنين موجي براي خاتمي و راي نياوردن ناطق نوري راه افتاد. به كجا رسيد آن موج بعد از 8 سال؟ به سرخوردگي از موج اصلاحات و ديگر احمدي نژاد!
- و تاريخ تكرار خواهد شد: 4 سال پس از انتخاب موسوي (در صورت انتخاب): من داشتم خرابكاري هاي دولت نهم را درست مي كردم!
- 4 سال ديگر پس از آن 4 سال: (باز در صورت انتخاب) نگذاشتند من اصلاحاتي كه مي خواستم انجام دهم را انجام دهم! آقاي كروبي هم مي داند چه دستهايي پشت پرده است و من چه سختي هايي كشيدم!
- طرفداران موسوي در اين انتخابات كه جز روشنفكران جامعهء حال و حاضر ايران (!) محسوب مي شوند كاملا اين موضوع را اثبات مي كند كه عمدهء مردم ايران به زندگي در لجن زاري كه خودشان درست كرده اند عادت كرده اند و عادت دارند و با آن خو گرفته اند!
گواه اين حرف هم همين جملات به ياد ماندني است كه: "نمي خواهيم اوضاع از ايني كه هست بهتر بشود، فقط بدتر نشود!" يا "اگر موسوي بيايد اوضاع اگر بهتر نشود بدتر از اين نمي شود."
همين عامهء روشنفكر دو دسته اند: آنهايي كه يا نمي توانند به كشور هاي خارجي بروند، يا اگر مي روند نمي توانند آن نقاط مثبت رفتاري و فرهنگي را ببينند و يا هميشه با چيزي غير عادي درگيرند يا صرفا درگير خريد 4 تا برند مشخص يا برنزه كردن خودشان كنار استخر يا ساحل هستند!

حرف آخر:
شما مردم نمي دانيد دموكراسي چيست! شما كه دم از اصلاحات مي زنيد - با وجود تجربهء 8 سال دوران اصلاحات - هنوز نمي دانيد اصلاحات چيست! شما كه دم از تغيير مي زنيد نمي دانيد تغيير چيست! شما حتي نمي دانيد چه مي خواهيد تنها مي دانيد چه چيزي را نمي خواهيد!!!

من راي خواهم داد! هر كس از اين مردم مرا ببيند فكر مي كند من به موسوي راي خواهم داد! اما چنين نيست! من عضو اين لجن زار سبز نيستم! من با تاسف به احمدي نژاد راي خواهم داد اگر چه از طرفداران خود او نيستم! من داراي تفكر ديگري هستم كه نه شهاب نيوز (خصوصا در بند هفتم مقاله اش)، نه هيچ كدام از شما مردمي كه فكر مي كنيد حقيقت را مي دانيد، يا من را درك كرده ايد و مي شناسيد، آن ها را در معادلاتتان حساب كرده ايد!

پي نوشت: آخرين صحبت هاي خاص موسوي براي مخاطبان قرتي اش:
1- من يك بسيجي ام!
2- در حمايت هايتان به شئونات اسلامي احترام بگذاريد (نقل به مضمون)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

A Tribute To The Iranian Protesters -All The Trial Versions-i

So Many people asks Idiot
to write about Iran's presidential election these days!i

Well, I Dont have any words!
You can go hear the words from the "I Will Vote"
or "I Do Not Vote" Individuals!
My very own candidate hasn't worn his Shoes yet!i

I Donno Really!
I Respect people's choice
And I Listen to them
And even tell them "OK!"
when they ask me to vote for their favorite candidate!
The Conservative Ahmadi Nejad
or Mousavi The Reformist!
Even Karoubi or Rezayi!
I have even stuck a poster of Ahmadi Nejad
and a poster of Mousavi, Together to the rear window of my car
as an honor to the large number of the supporters of these 2 candidates comparing to the other two!i

I Guess thats the democracy that you find anywhere in this world
Politicians stimulate the majority of the people with who's about to do some "Change",
And as it is for Iranian Society
A lil bit allowance of cheering and dancing in the streets
Does more than enough!
After all Its The Minorities who are Left to live and bear with iti

خيلي ها اين روزها از ايديت مي خوان
در مورد انتخابات بنويسه!

من حرفي ندارم!
حرف ها را برويد از "من" هايي كه راي مي دهند بپرسيد
يا آز آن "من" هايي كه نمي روند راي بدهند!
كانديداي من هنوز كفش هايش را نپوشيده است!

نمي دونم واقعا!
من به انتخاب مردم احترام مي گذارم
به اونها گوش ميدم
و حتي به اونها "باشه" ميگم
وقتي از من مي خواهند به كانديداي مورد نظر آن ها راي بدهم!
احمدي نژاد اصول گرا
يا موسوي اصلاح طلب
حتي كروبي و رضايي!
من حتي يه پوستر از احمدي نژاد
با يك پوستر از موسوي
كنار هم پشت شيشهء ماشينم چسبانده ام
به احترام تعداد زياد طرفداران اين دو كانديدا در مقايسه با دو تاي ديگر!

من فكر مي كنم دموكراسي همه جاي دنيا همينه
سياستمدارا عامهء مردم را تهييج مي كنند چه كسي كارش "تغيير" است،
و در مورد جامعهء ايراني
كمي اجازه براي جيغ و داد و رقصيدن در خيابان
بيشتر از حد لازم، كافي به نظر مي رسد!
در آخر اين اقليت جامعه است كه مي ماند با زندگي كردن و تحمل آن!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lost In The Garden Of Edenglish

Sometimes I go back through my translations
and find out, that I have really sucked at some times!i

These are the times that I think
I should only go English!i

يه وقت هايي كه ميرم ترجمه هامو مرور مي كنم
ميبينم بعضي جاها حسابي گند زدم با ترجمه كردنم!

اين مواقع همون لحظاتي هست كه فكر مي كنم
بهتره فقط انگليسي بنويسم!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Playground Superstar

Imagine you force me to rape you...i

Tell Me Bitch!
Who's gonna be the Victim?!i

فرض كن تو مجبورم كني كه بهت تجاوز كنم...

بگو دخترهء هرزه
اينجا قرباني كي ميشه؟

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Woodstock 69

Tehran is such a big city!i

Too Big that you can find almost anything
Too Big for you to find the specific things!i

تهران شهر بزرگي است!

آنقدر بزرگ كه بتواني هر چيزي بخواي توش پيدا كني
آنقدر بزرگ براي تو تا چيز خاصي را كه مي خواهي بتواني در آن پيدا كني!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Next time you managed to stop the car and take a pee
while you were driving all alone, along the lonely Road
Just make sure you take some time
To take your guitar and play some
Wild Horses*
Move On**
Dear Pen!s***

* - By: Jet
** - By: Rolling Stones
*** - By: Rodney Carrington

دفعهء بعد كه ماشينو نگه داشتي كه بشاشي
وقتي كه داشتي تنهاي تنها در طول يه جادهء تنها تر مي روندي
حتما مقداري زمان براي در آوردن گيتار
و زدن چند تا آهنگ كنار بذار
اسب هاي وحشي*
ادامه دادن**
شومبول عزيزم!***
و از اين چيزا!

* - از: رولينگ استونز
** - از: جت
*** - از: رادني كرينگتون

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