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Thursday, June 24, 2010

971 - Ouch!

Pain in the ass means
Agony in a part of the body that's in contact with the surface while sitting.
Also, it is referred to anything too annoying and irritating.
In Terms of Psychology, It is used for dumb girls in love,
and in Computer science, it is commonly used for "Internet Explorer".

Pain In The Ass
درد در ناحيهء نشيمن گاهي!
همچنين به چيزي گفته مي شود كه شديدا آزار دهنده است.
در بحث روانشناسي به دختران احمق عاشق مي گويند،
و در مبحث كامپيوتر به برنامهء
Internet Explorer
اطلاق مي شود.د


افسانه سیزیف said...

ha! your two recent notes are sort of sexist .. I can smell it ...!!

Iranian idiot said...

Good thing it doesn't Stink!!

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