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Sunday, July 25, 2010

989 - Reign O'er Me

The Beginning of all the gracious things
is in fact the beginning of their end.

Like good social relationships, the first time you feel
that you get along pretty well together.
Like the beginning of a concert in some other country
that you chose it to so many other things,
Which when the band members show on stage, Moments start to countdown.

To be understanding this,
You don't necessarily need to have attended at Slash's concert in Ireland for instance
in which they play Thin Lizzy's "Are you ready?" at the end of the show and in the encore,
so that you'd feeling that this last "Are you ready?", is just the beginning!
Though you start getting yourself ready in those very last minutes
that keep your crazy ass spirit guaranteed for a couple of months
with the memories of this fucking great trip.

You know,
If you want to look at this Glass-wise
It's not even seeing the empty or full half of it
In fact it's a glass which is upside down.

An upside down glass
has no empty or full half.
And If you feel there is something wrong about it,
You must be floating in outer space!

آغاز تمام چيزهاي خوشايند،
در واقع شروع پايان آن هاست.

مثل روابط انسان ها همان لحظه اي كه براي اولين بار فكر مي كني
با هم خوب جور هستيد.
مثل شروع اجراي كنسرتي در خارج از كشور
كه ترجيحش دادي به خيلي چيزها،
كه وقتي گروهش روي صحنه ميان، لحظات شمارش معكوس مي كنند.

براي فهم اين موضوع
لزوما نبايد كنسرت اسلش رفته باشي توي دابلين مثلا
كه آهنگ "آماده اي؟" تين ليزي رو آخر كار بخونن در شروع "انكور"
تا اينطور بهت القا شه كه اين "آماده اي" آهنگ آخري، انگاري تازه اولشه!
گرچه كه در اون لحظات آخر تو خودتو آماده مي كني
كه با خاطرهء اين سفر لعنتي،
روح كله خرتو تا چند ماه بعد گارانتي نگه داري.

مي دوني،
ليواني هم بخواي به قضيه نگاه كني،
موضوع اصلا ديدن نيمهء پر يا خالي ليوان نيست
در واقع اين ليوانيه كه وارونه ست.

ليواني كه وارونه است
ديگر نيمهء پر يا خالي ندارد.
اگر فكر مي كني غير از اين است
تو حتما داري در فضا سير مي كني!د


افسانه سیزیف said...

maybe it is not about whether the glass is half full or half empty, it's about who is paying for the next round ..... !

Iranian idiot said...

hmm... Didn't get what you mean...

افسانه سیزیف said...

it is a joke actually I heard here ... I am not sure how should I explain it ... !

well, it is more like "who cares the glass is half empty or half full".
As a mater of fact, the important issue is who is getting me the next drink to get wasted and forgot about the whole empty-full stuff !

probably I am still not doing well in explaining it ....

Iranian idiot said...

Honey! I know what "Paying For the Next Round" means!!!

I just wanted you to explain the relation between this and the half full glass...

I don't seem to get it.

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