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Saturday, September 04, 2010

1008 - Time to kill me

I'm proud!
I'm proud of myself
and all the sins I did
because every single one of them was not of those mutual sins
that could bring up a tad of sympathy, with any of these knocker ass holes!

افتخار مي كنم
به خودم
و تمام گناه هايي كه كردم
كه تك تك شان از آن دسته گناه هاي مشترك نيستند
كه حتي يك دانه شان بتواند در من ذره اي احساس نزديكي، به اين همه دست خر مزاحم بوجود بياورد!د


Unknown said...

Why is that everyone around me is thinking about suicide lately!?

من... said...

salam . Dog city hastam. Bade koli mokafat tonestam biam comment beterekonam inaj! Taze az iran ham natonestam bazet konam. Mibinam ke zendei hanoz o minvisi! Aalie mesle ghabl. Bikhabi ro dost dashtam ziad. Shad bashi.

Iranian idiot said...

@ Donya: Who's talking about commiting suicide? Oh No Baby! Not Me! Not Here!
But The title? Well, you never knew what was written next anyway!

@ Dog City: It's always good to be alive and kicking! Thanks for stopping by! It was years ago!

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