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Thursday, September 23, 2010

1017 - Eh?

I don't understand Jeans Commercials!

A Pair of pants doesn't make sense
on a topless chick!

من تبليغ هاي شلوارهاي جين را نمي فهمم!

يك شلوار جين پاي دختري تاپ لس
اصلا معني ندارد.د


افسانه سیزیف said...

Marketing companies are using sex appeal and especially women to to reach consumers which are the characteristic of capitalism ...

they are tons of studying behind all these advertisements .... kind of sad how women are always been a target in East and West ...

Iranian idiot said...

Screw all the capitalism, adverts and those studies behind these business acts!

Screw any statement that says it's sad that women are targets or victims in such things cuz anyone can choose between doing or not doing something that appears pitiful at least when it comes to commercials!

Bottom line is, All I wanted to say is that, A topless chick loses her pants the moment she got partially naked!

افسانه سیزیف said...

Really?? well, I managed quite few many times to be topless and having my pants on !

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