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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Outta Get Me

I read it once somewhere that a foreigner said: "Religion" and "Politics" are two topics in which two arguing parts - meant me vs. these people you see - would never reach an agreement. This is Iran! "Islamic Republic" of Iran! The republic part has got nonsense lately! Plus they don't clarify which type of "Islamic" it is either: Cop's Islam, or Old women's Islam. There's always been one thing for sure: Every time somebody stepped in god's shoes or act like hands of god, everything has gone critical! Imagine, they put 2 causing disagreement topics together and call a whole country with it! Me included! Shit! This is labeling me! This is a shitload of politics and religion before a simple goddamn name that's only 4 freakin' words! This makes it Iran, the most political religious country! If you watch the news, you see there is a lot of "Republic" going on in here! Streets, smell like republic! People have republic breath! Everywhere smell like republic! This much of Politics and Religion is too much for me! Seriously! It's even much more than the extent that one needs for disagreement with this country! Believe me I had already reached the disagreement with it, before all these! I swear! This extra mass is just overloading, It's overflowing! It's more than needed! It's over weighting! It's getting dangerous! Dammit: This much politics are deadly! Way too much that can get me and you killed! It will get us fuckin' killed and those 6 bullets in your goddamn revolver is not gonna get us anywhere, you idiot! you understand???i

يه جا خونده بودم كه يه خارجي گفته بود: "مذهب" و "سياست" دو مقوله اند كه دو طرف قضيه - يعني من و اين هايي كه مي بيني - هيچ وقت در آن به توافق نمي رسند. اينجا هم ايرانه! "جمهوري اسلامي" ايران! "جمهوري" اش كه معلوم نيست! منظورشان از "اسلامي" بودن را هم كه اصلا براي آدم روشن نمي كنند: اسلام پليس، يا اسلام زن هاي پير؟ فقط يه چيز مشخص بوده: هر وقت كسي جاي خدا يا دست راستش نشسته همه چيز بحراني شده! فكرش را بكن دو مقولهء غير قابل اشتراك بين افراد را كنار هم بگذارند و با آن همهء يك كشور را صدا كنند! منم توش! اين يعني برچسب زدن به من! يعني كلي سياست و مذهب قبل از يه اسم ساده كه لعنتي فقط هم 4 حرفه! يعني ايران، سياسي ترين كشور مذهبي دنيا! اين روزها اخبار رو ببيني، كلي "جمهوري" داره توش اتفاق مي افته! خيابون ها پر از بوي جمهوريه! دهن مردم بوي جمهوري ميده! همه جا بوي جمهوري ميده! اين مقدار سياست و مذهب براي من زياده! جدي مي گم! حتي بيشتر از مقداريه كه يه نفر براي به توافق نرسيدن با اين كشور نياز داره! باور كنيد من قبل از اينها هم به اين عدم توافق رسيده بودم، قسم مي خورم! اين همه حجم اضافه فقط داره سربار ميشه، داره سر ريز ميكنه! بيش از حد لازمه! داره سنگيني ميكنه! خطرناكه! لعنتي: اين همه سياست كشنده است! اونقدر زياد كه من و تو رو به كشتن مي ده! به كشتن مي ده و اين 6 تا گلولهء توي ريوالور ات هم ما رو به هيچ جا نمي رسونه احمق، مي فهمي؟؟؟

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