Have all been stamped on my passport
The day after.
تاریخ و مکان دیوانه وار ترین شب ها و عیاشی های من
همگی در پاسپورت ام مهر خورده است
یک روز بعد.د
20 سال پيش در چنين روزي، در كنسرتي از تور "يوز يور ايلوژن" گانزن روزز در سنت لوييز، به هنگام آهنگ "راكت كويين"، اكسل روز مردي رو با دوربين توي جمعيت مي بينه و از اونجايي كه از دوربین خوشش نمي اومده، ميگه:
Stop That!
Hey Stop That!
Dammit I'll it myself
(كلمات ممكنه متفاوت باشند از اونجايي كه الان دسترسي به فيلم كنسرت و كتاب اسلش ندارم!)
و اكسل روز شيرجه مي زنه توي جمعيت و در مقابل چشمان اعضاي گروه كه هنوز دارند مي زنند ولي وامونده اند چه خبر شده، يكي دو تا مشت حوالهء صورت طرف مي كنه و وقتي روي صحنه مياد و آهنگ قطع شده ميگه:
Thanks to the lame ass Security, I'm going Home!
و ميكروفن رو مي كوبه زمين و صحنه رو ترك مي كنه. كه اين رفتار او موجب اون ميشه كه جمعيت شورش كنند، بطوري كه به گفتهء اسلش در كتاب اتوبيوگرافي اش، تمام تجهيزات صحنهء اون ها نابود ميشه! اين شورش - كه يكي از دو شورش معروف در تاريخ كنسرت هاي گانزن روززه - به شورش غيرمشهور شهرت داره اما كم از يك طغيان اساسي نداره! گفتني است در صحنه اي از ويدئو كليپ آهنگ "دد هورس" اكسل روز تي شرت سفيدي رو تن كرده كه روي اون به رنگ قرمز نوشته:
"St. Louise Sucks"
كه به همين موضوع اشاره داره!
در ادامه خاطراتي كوتاه و ويرايش نشده از چند تا از دوستان آمريكايي من كه دههء دوم زندگي شون رو در اون موقع سپري مي كردند و در اون كنسرت حاضر بودند رو از اين كنسرت مي خوانيد كه برگردان نوشته هاي آن ها در فيس بوك هستند و نام ها و بعضي جملات بي ربط از آن حذف شده است. فكر كردم شايد اين هم در نوع خود جالب باشد!
شاید یه وقت از اون ها در مورد خاطراتشون بپرسم و به این اضافه کنم اما شما بهتر می دونید که روی این قول های من حساب نمی تونید بکنید!
Well, following is the memories and recalls of who were at the "Infamous" Riot Show of Guns n' Roses in st. Louise. Some of my new American friends, which lived their 20's in that Era. Something I would be envious for! The whole note was brought up on Facebook, and it’s original, but names and any other personal references are removed due to privacy of their respective selves.
K: tomorrow it will have been 20 years since the GNR riot. TWENTY FRIGGIN YEARS! That is longer ago than I was old at the time!!!! Holy crap that knowledge is beyond painful! I’ve seen a shit ton of concerts since with a lot of mayhem, been tear gassed and even broke bones but never since, nor likely ever, will a concert be as epic as this one was. 20 YEARS….seriously, how the hell…
M: Wow....20 years....that was a show i will never forget, [...] and I were on our first concert date, sitting in the seats, and he was tripping. He was like, we have to get you outta here, he had met my dad that nite for the first time....and i was like OH HELL NO.... I'm watching this, if you wanna leave, go, I'll find a ride home....hahaha!!!!
K: we weren't leaving for ANYTHING! We walked ourselves out at the very end after the SWAT team was there and it had mostly died down. I'd rather have stayed for the excitement than risk getting slaughtered in the dash to try to get outta that parking lot of freaked out people during a massive traffic clusterfuck! And MAN what a great first date story!!!!
M: Pretty funny huh....we musta sat in traffic for 3 hours...i remember all the trees uprooted and chairbacks flying, and people hanging from the gig screens....guys walking out with Slash's Amp.....and the piano being rolled off the stage...into the pit...the firemen squirting the people, and the poor employees riping off their shirts, as not to be noticed as employees....ya, that was good times there...
T: remember watching a friend of mine walking across the stage on the news coverage. Ahh the good ole days. Yes time FLIES!!!!
I may actually ask / interview them for this so... (but sure you know you can't trust me on this!)