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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Got Stuck Badly In Strings - I'm Drowning In This Holy Adagio...

Everything is repetitious
Me, You, The sound that Comes out, out of our headphones
plus all those "Specialities" in the people who pass us by.

Everything has become repetitious.
When It comes to evening,
people get out of their houses
and look for their own nothing thing!

It seems like
all the girl's face features has been copied
From Ana's
and All The Men Have become
My Old Friend's Father.

But After all
Women still have got many proportions to themselves.
Not Alike you, They Have never
invited me to their house for a tea party for two
neither they can make tea and cook chocolate cakes the way you do.
let alone sitting beside me and asking me to play piano for them!

but anyway
Your wrinkled face
will make you repetitious.

Writers Job Was a repetitious one from the beginning as well
the difference is, they go and find new ways to express the same old things
and ofcourse, they will never gonna tell you the secret...

And You!
Consider that You Have never heard me say that.

[One Of My Best Translations Ever] i-i

همه چيز تكراري است
من، تو، صداهايي كه از هدفون هايمان بيرون مي آيد
به علاوهء‌ «خاص بودن» آدم هايي كه از كنارمان رد مي شوند.

همه چيز تكراري شده است
عصر كه مي شود
همه از خانه هايشان بيرون مي آيند
و به دنبال هيچي شان مي گردند.

چهرهء‌ همهء دختران هم از چهرهء «آنا»
كپي زده شده است
و همهء مردان هم شده اند
پدر دوست قديمي من.

اما با اين وجود
زنان هنوز شباهت هاي زيادي به خودشان دارند
آنها نه مانند تو
تا به حال مرا براي عصرانه به خانه شان دعوت كرده اند
نه چاي و كيك شكلاتي هاي تو را مي توانند درست كنند
چه برسد به اينكه كنار من بنشينند و از من بخواهند برايشان پيانو بزنم.

اما به هر حال
صورت چروكيده
تو را هم مثل آنها تكراري مي كند.

كار نويسندگان هم از همان اول تكراري بوده است
با اين تفاوت كه آنها هميشه مكررات را به روش هاي تازه بيان كرده اند
صدايش را هم در نياورده اند...

و تو!
حرف منو نشنيده بگير...

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