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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Perfect Night With Alan Jackson

is included in the world of those who have got a cell phone!
The people who's inner desires make them wish
You and I would ring and try their new ringtone,
without showing them that we have noticed that thing, you know.

They sit aside
and stare at their cell phone

Getting their heart beats harder
as soon as they hear the noise in the speakers
that are playing: We NeVer Change.

Just like me
playing in my daily documentary movie
in which I go to my mail box
and Act or expect like
there is someone, got something to tell me.

I dont feel like I'm lonesome
and I dont get ringed that much either.
I have got a great collection of Video & Music CD's
For My Rainy Days.

Whats the use of the cell phones anyway?
Are you saying that there are too many people out there
hoping that you'd be available
except those who show up
when they need you to give them a hand?

دنياي آدم هاي با موبايل است!
همان هايي كه خواهش درونيشان اين است كه
من و تو هم صداي زنگ جديدشان را امتحان كنيم،
به رويشان هم نياوريم.

همانهايي كه يك گوشه مي نشينند
و به گوشي شان خيره مي شوند.

و به محض اين كه صداي نويز را
در بلندگوهايي كه We NeVer Change را مي خوانند مي شنوند،
قلبشان از جا كنده مي شود.

درست مثل من,
در سكانس تكراري فيلم مستند روزانه ام
كه بي دليل وارد ميل باكسم ميشوم
و طوري رفتار مي كنم كه
انگار قرار است كسي گفتني هايش را براي من نوشته باشد!

من نه آدم تنهاييم
نه زنگ خورم زياده
به علاوه،
يك كلكسيون از CD هاي موزيك و فيلم هم كنار گذاشته ام
براي روزاي مبادا.

حالا خودمونيم مورد مصرف موبايل در چيه؟
مگر بجز كساني كه وقتي باهات كار دارند پيدايشان مي شود
افراد زيادي باقي مانده اند كه آرزو كنند
اي كاش در دسترس باشي؟

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