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Sunday, April 16, 2006

If God Was A Woman

May the 32 Year old Women Or Older
are our best choices.

They have not dreamed that their husband
would be a rich man
the night that their mother told them earlier in the kitchen
that its time for them to marry,
they dont criticize you by saying how great their previous wooers were either.

They do know how to wipe and clean up an infant's ass.
or we may say they know how to deal with it.

Whilst they dont have many of the qualities of a newlywed,
No one look at them like they are a newlywed.

A Typical of a gentle, demure woman
who doesnt giveaway her feminine secrets.
So Mature
that you'd love listening to what she is saying.

And this is very important!
very very important...

زنان 32 ساله به بالا
شايد بهترين انتخاب باقي ماندهء‌ ما هستند.

آنها نه شب همان ظهري كه
مادرشان در آشپزخانه بهشان گفته وقت ازدواجشان است
خواب ديده اند كه:
«شوهرشان يك فرد پولدار مي شود»
نه خواستگارهاي سابقشان را در آينده به رخت مي كشند.

علاوه بر آن
كون بچه را هم بلدند بشويند.

ضمن اينكه خيلي از خصوصيات يك تازه عروس را ندارند،
كسي هم به چشم تازه عروس نگاهشان نمي كند.

نمونهء يك زن آرام و موقر
كه در واقع رازهاي زنانه اش را رو نمي كند.
كامل و بالغ،
خيلي پخته و دلنشين صحبت مي كند.

و اين موضوع خيلي مهم است!
خيلي مهم...

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