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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Not Yet The Day For Freedom

ميگن حالا كه بالاخره اكبر آقا مي خواد از دانشگاه مربوطه! فارغ التحصيل بشه
پرونده شو نگاه كرده اند
ديده اند غيبت هاي غير موجه اش زياده,
شديدا بيم اون ميره كه چند تا از درساشو حذف كنن
و بنده خدا 12 ترمه بشه!


Now that My fellow "AKbar" is about to graduate From The University
Principals have reviewed his file
and noticed that he has had too many absences at some of his courses.
We Are Apprehended that they fail him in some courses for the sake of this
and keep him for another (12th) semester.


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