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Thursday, March 16, 2006


اولين باري كه ايرانيان به ديگري گفتند:‌ «حالمو به هم زدي!»
و طرف مقابل بدجوري داغ كرد,
«زردي من از تو
سرخي تو از من»
شكل گرفت.

تاريخچهء چهارشنبه سوري همينه كه گفتم
به حرفاي ادوارد آركيالوجيست هم گوش نكن.
فكر مي كني يه اروپايي بيشتر از تو در مورد سرزمينت مي دونه؟

صبح آخرين چهارشنبهء سال يعني سرگيجه + ميكس بوي عطر و ادكلن با دود... وقتي الكلت پريده باشه!

The First time that Iranian Told an other that: You have pissed me off!
and they got mad about it
the simple antitype for:
[ My yellowness for the sake of you
your redness for the sake of me* ]
was shaped.

The history of "Chaharshanbe soori" tradition is just this
You dont have to listen to the Archeologist Edward.
do you think that a european knows about your homeland more than you do?

The morning of the last wednesday of the year means: Vertigo plus a mix of the smell of perfumes and colognes with smoke... when you dont smell like alcohol anymore!

* - A kind of poem people say when they jump over the fire in the tradition.

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