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Thursday, March 09, 2006

(Finding My Place(PhaseII

مدرسه ها پر است از بچه هايي كه
هر سال خردسال تر از سال قبل مي شوند.

دفتر مدرسه ها هم مملو از افراد سياهي است كه
دريافته اند كم كم دارند كم رنگ مي شوند.

چيزي كه رنگ و سن نمي شناسد و عوض نمي شود,
كمبود ظرفيت توالت ها سر زنگ هاي نماز است.

تنها من باقي مونده ام
و جريمهء انشاهاي نانوشته اي را كه بايد در وبلاگم بنويسم.

Schools Are Full of the kids
who become more younger year by year.

School Offices are full of blackend person
who has discovered that they are losing colour.

The Only thing which has nothing to do with colour and age is
the insufficiency of the toilet's capacity at Praying times.

I am the only one who's left
and the essays that I should write in this blog as a forfeit.

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