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Thursday, March 30, 2006


رنگ رژلب تو
دليل تمام تنبلي هاي من
براي نشستن شات هاي شب گذشته ست...

شلوارك سپيد تو را با سردرد صبحگاهي مي پرستم...

The Colour of your lipstick
is the reason for all my lazynesses
for not washing last nights shot glasses...

I adore your white daisy shorts with morning headache...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Like a stone

من از همون اولش هم
يه ويلاي 3 طبقه كه باغچه اش با سيستم خودكار آبياري ميشه نمي خواستم.
يه شورلت شول هم كافي بود
تا آدمها رو به دو دستهء «منم باهات ميام» و «نمي تونم بيام» تقسيم كنيم و
اينجارو ترك كنيم به جايي كه تقدير منتظر ماست...


آقاي ايديت!
ميشه به بينندگان ما بگيد چطور وقتي به گوشتون رسيد كه
DVD Playerخرابه به ذهنتون رسيد كه اوضاع سي دي هايي كه كنارش جا مونده بي ريخته؟

آقاي ايديت!
شما بعد از اينكه سي دي ها رو چك كرديد
سرتون رو از پشت نت بوكتون بالا آورديد و به دوربين مدار بسته زل زديد و خنديديد!
ميشه بگيد چه چيزي باعث شد چنين عكس العملي از خودتون نشون بديد؟

آقاي ايديت!
لطفا به دوربين لبخند بزنيد!
باز هم بازگشت غرور آفرين تون رو صميمانه تبريك ميگم.

I Had said that I didnt want a villa with 3 floors
with a garden which its watering system is automatic.
Even An old Chevelle was enough for me
to seprate people in two groups of (I Wanna come with you) and (I Can't come with You)
and leave this place for where our fate is waiting for us...


Mr. Idiot!
Would you please tell our televisors, how did it came to your mind
that there must be something with the CD's, when you heard them say that the DVD player is out of order?

Mr. Idiot!
When You Finished checking those CD's on your Notebook
you stared at the security camera and laughed!
would you please tell us what made you to do so?

Mr. Idiot!
Please look in my camera and Smile!
Thank You!
Its nice to have you here among us again!

Friday, March 24, 2006

...Showbiz or controlling my feelings for aaa

چطور توقع داري اولين تجربهء‌ موزيكال سال جديد من
رومانتيك از آب دربياد وقتي درست در صبح 1/1/85 من
آن هم موقعي كه دارم آرام آرام كلاوي ها را نوازش مي كنم
مشاجرهء احمقانه اش را شروع مي كند و
و... و... و... و.....

در همين واديها:
سرم را آرام به طرفش بر مي گردانم
زل مي زنم توي چشماش
و وقتي مطمئنم
كجا و كدوم اكتاو هستم
انگشتانم را كاملا باز مي كنم
چشمانم را محكم مي بندم و با تمام وجود بر كلاوي هاي نامربوط پيانو مي كوبم!

بند بند وجودش چنان به رعشه درمي آيد
كه مينور و ماژور اين حملهء‌ قلبي نصفه و نيمه را گم مي كند!

و در آخر برنامه
سن را با لبخندي فاتحانه و شيطاني ترك مي كنم...
نوازنده ميگه:
خيلي ممنون!
دست گل را هم خودم به خودم مي دهم!
اصلا كي دست گل تورو خواست؟

How can you expect my first musical experiment of the new year
to be a romantic one when in my morning time of the 1/1/85
while I am coddling the piano notes (finger board)
She Starts her stupid argument and
Things go Bla bla bla bla...

I Turn my head to her
and I stare at her eyes
and when I'm sure
where and which octave I am in
I Spread my fingers wide open
closing my eyes, I smash on the random notes of the finger board, producing a digressive sound!

She Flutter so hard that
she loses the minor or the major type of this semi piece of heart attack!

And finally at the end of the show,
I Leave the Scene with an evil triumphant smile...
"Thank you
Thank You very Much!
Thank You!"
says The Pianist.

I, myself, Give the bunch of flowers to myself.
Who Asked for yours?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dealing with the Happy New Year Of The Dog

منت خداي را عزوجل كه
نوروز باستاني ايراني را پايه نهاد
تا چند روزي,
كساني كه در طول سال حوصلهء تحمل كردنشان نيست را احترام كرد.

امسال سر سفره
تمام هدفهايي رو كه خيال به انجام ندادنشون دارمو
آرزو كردم...
تا ببينيم چي پيش مياد.

امسال بايد سگ تر شد:
هم بدتر پاچه گرفت
هم اينكه بيشتر وفادار بود.

داخل پرانتز:
پرسه زدن ها كه مثل هميشه سر جاشه.

سال نو
دماغ نو

Thank The Persian God who
Has set up the Iranian ancient new year's ceremony,
An opportunity to be nice to the people
who you cant stand all year.

This Year
I have wished for all those goals that I Dont think I'm gonna go for
let's see what happens.

We've got to develope more of our canine qualities:
To Grab And bite Legs harder
And to produce more Allegiance.

In The Parentheses:
Our roamings are on schedule as usual.

New Year
New Nose

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Jessica Was a Girlfriend Of Mine

عيد دوبي رفتن نداره كه
آدم خارج ميره
كه يه كم ايران و ايراني بودن خودشو فراموش كنه!

نه اينكه توي فروشگاهها با تيره اي هم خون مواجه بشه كه
قيمت ها رو توي ماشين حساب 1000 تومني شون در 240 ضرب مي كنن.

اما راستشو بخواي
دردم اصلا اين نيست!

حالا كه
آخرش اين كنسرت چشم خورد
تا كونشون بسوزه دوستايي كه با افتخار بليت 50 هزار تومينشونو
به رخ احمق هاي زبون بسته اي مي كشيدن
كه مدام توي فكر بليط 70 چوقي بودن,
احساس مي كنم يه آدمه... يه آدم بي درد ام!

خلاصه اينكه هم وطن
دوبي توي عيد
حتي به تاكسي سواري با تويوتا كمري اش هم نمي ارزد!

Its no Good to go on a trip to Dubai in the New Year's Holidays
we go to a foreign country
in order to Forget a little about Iran and some of our qualities!

Not to face some kind of consanguine creatures who
Multiply the Prices by 240 with their stupid calculator when they go to Malls.

but to tell you the truth
this not my Pain at all!

Now that
This Concert was cursed
and I smell those friends sizzling Asses who were flaunting their 50$ Tickets
in front of some poor idiots
which were thinking about a 100-bucks-ticket all this time,
I Feel like...
I Feel Like I'm Painless!

Anyway My Fellows And Compatriots
Its Not Worth Going To Dubai In New Year's Holidays
Even for riding in Toyota Camry taxis!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Not Yet The Day For Freedom

ميگن حالا كه بالاخره اكبر آقا مي خواد از دانشگاه مربوطه! فارغ التحصيل بشه
پرونده شو نگاه كرده اند
ديده اند غيبت هاي غير موجه اش زياده,
شديدا بيم اون ميره كه چند تا از درساشو حذف كنن
و بنده خدا 12 ترمه بشه!


Now that My fellow "AKbar" is about to graduate From The University
Principals have reviewed his file
and noticed that he has had too many absences at some of his courses.
We Are Apprehended that they fail him in some courses for the sake of this
and keep him for another (12th) semester.


Friday, March 17, 2006

All Those Dirty Words in My Head

حقيقت بالاتر از اينهاست
حقيقت يعني ويرجينيتي!
يعني حفظ كردن ذهن و جسم و فكر و حريم خصوصي از افراد
يعني نفروختن تمام آنها به قيمت خوابيدن با تمام آدم هايي كه ارث پدرشان را از تو طلب مي كنند.
يعني اينكه آدم اسپرماتوزوئيدهايش را به همين راحتي پاي هر كسي حروم نكند.

زندگي صفر متر بالاتر از سطح گه يعني اين
دغدغهء زندگي هم كه ميگن يعني همين:
«چگونه واقعيت را بيان كنيم, بدون اينكه با گفتن حقيقت وجودي مان, تمام تصورات زيباي شخصي ساختگي در ذهن طرف مقابل را به گند بكشيم!»

اصلا دغدغه چرا؟
وقتي ممكن است فرد مقابل هم همين دغدغه را داشته باشد!
افراد اين موقعيت ها را مي شناسند,
و هر روز با آن زندگي مي كنند!
اين را صحبتهاي دوستان به خوبي نشان مي دهد.

دغدغهء ‌اصلي يعني
مشتي كه نمونهء خرواره.
حالا هم كه دوباره مي خوام برگردم به جايي كه جديدا تعريف شده ارتفاع 2000 متر يا بالاتر
اگر هم خواستيد از نوشته هاي من كتابي بنويسيد آزاديد
هيچ كپي رايتي وجود ندارد.

اصلا همين كه افراد كتاب را بخوانند
و خود را در حد و اندازهء شخصيت اصلي داستان نبينند يعني كپي رايت
يعني كپي رايت شخصيتي,‌
و چه حقي بالاتر از اين هان؟

فقط از اونجايي كه تنها قهرمان زندگي من هميشه خودم بوده ام
اسم كتاب را بگذاريد
«خداحافظ من»
اثر‌ ديگري از
«...» (اسم نويسنده)

اقتباس از زندگي واقعي يك...

The Truth Is Just THIS or even More than that.
Truth is Virginity.
I define it: Protecting your Mind, Flesh, Thoughts and your privacy from people.
Again, not selling them all by sleeping with those Challengers who think that you have taken sth away from them.
It Means not to waste your Spermatozoon over any person that you do or dont know.

This is the exact meaning of living in the height of zero in shit.
And The Stressful life they say is THIS:
How to avoid giving a shit about all those beautiful personal Imaginaries we have left in someones mind by facing someone to the truth about the shitty us.

Why Stress?
When the person may have the same stress!
people are aware of these situations,
They live with it everyday!
Friends words proves it very well!

The Real Stress is
This sample in my fist which is an example of the rest.

Now that I'm getting back to the place which is recently called the height of 2000m or above,
Feel Free if you want to Write a book about me and my notes
There will be no copyright at all.

The true Copyright to me is just when people read the book and
they dont find themselves in the place of the Personage at all.
Thats the Personable Copyright. Thats What I'm Talking about!
and what on earth can worth more than this?

but as long as I was the only Hero of my own life,
name the book:
"Goodbye Me"
Another Story From
[...] (name of the Author)
Based on a true story of I-I
Thats All!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


اولين باري كه ايرانيان به ديگري گفتند:‌ «حالمو به هم زدي!»
و طرف مقابل بدجوري داغ كرد,
«زردي من از تو
سرخي تو از من»
شكل گرفت.

تاريخچهء چهارشنبه سوري همينه كه گفتم
به حرفاي ادوارد آركيالوجيست هم گوش نكن.
فكر مي كني يه اروپايي بيشتر از تو در مورد سرزمينت مي دونه؟

صبح آخرين چهارشنبهء سال يعني سرگيجه + ميكس بوي عطر و ادكلن با دود... وقتي الكلت پريده باشه!

The First time that Iranian Told an other that: You have pissed me off!
and they got mad about it
the simple antitype for:
[ My yellowness for the sake of you
your redness for the sake of me* ]
was shaped.

The history of "Chaharshanbe soori" tradition is just this
You dont have to listen to the Archeologist Edward.
do you think that a european knows about your homeland more than you do?

The morning of the last wednesday of the year means: Vertigo plus a mix of the smell of perfumes and colognes with smoke... when you dont smell like alcohol anymore!

* - A kind of poem people say when they jump over the fire in the tradition.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We Will Rock You

نوشته هايم را دوست داري؟
ايدهء تك تك آنها از تفكرات موزيكالي هستند
كه سبك موسيقي اش كلا براي تو خشن و نامانوس است.

Do You Like My notes?
The idea Of All those are from all those Musical Thoughts
which its Genre is totally Argestic and Blatant for you!

Monday, March 13, 2006

God Woke Up On the wrong side of his bed

اگر من الان فتوا ميدهم كه:

«اليــــــوم, استعمال جبن فتا و شيريني دانماركي به اي نحو
كان در حكم محاربه با امام زمان خواهد بود»

نكند فردا در جايي اسم دركند تا آنجا كه در كتاب هاي تاريخ مدارس 70-80 سال آتي
چاپ بشد و بچه هاي آن زمان زير سوال ببرند شعور ما را

به اميد آن روز كه حق مسلم ماست را پس بگيريم
و هر مسلمان ايراني در چهاشنبهء آخر سال! كلاهك هسته اي بتركاند

پ.ن.: تكبير هم خواستيد بفرستيد...

If I Give you a religious command that:

"From Now on any kind of buying Dannish Feta Cheese and pastries
Is against Islam"

Dont you spread it so that it would be printed in history books of the 70-80 years from now
so that those kids would doubt about our reasons.

To the day that we retrieve our nuke right from world!!
so that each iranian muslim can use nuclear firecracker at the last wednesday of the year!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Pants On Ice

حقيقت حقيقت است!
حقيقت غير قابل گريز است.
اصلا حقيقت تلخ است و اينا!

و آن چيزي نيست جز اينكه:
ما 3 تا ويرجين 22-3 سالهء بدبخت هستيم
و هيچ شكي درش نيست!

‏The Truth Is The Truth!
You cant Runaway From the truth.
The Truth is just Bitter and bla bla bla!

And its nothing but the fact that
We Are 3, 22 to 23 year old God damn Virgins
And There's No Doubt About It!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Bad Touch

شخصي مي گفت
آخرين حرفي كه دوست دخترش سابقش بهش زده بود
دقيقا همين بود:

«يه روز در حالي كه افتاده اي روي اون هرزهء چاق, منو به خاطر مياري.»

Someone was telling me
that the last thing her ex girlfriend told him was
Exactly this:

You'll remind me when you're poking that fat bitch!

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Lil Kid's Got A Gun

دلم فقط واسه خودكار آبي اي كه
سال اول راهنمايي زير پاي يكي از بچه ها گذاشتم
تنگ شده.

وقتي بهت ميگم فقط
منظورم تنها خود خودكاره
نه فرورفتنش و نه خونريزي اش, نه كشيده اش
نه 3 روز اخراجش و از همه ناراحت كننده تر از دست دادن زنگ ورزشش...

روزي روزگاري
من واسه خودم آدم خطرناكي بودم....

I've only missed the blue pen
I put under my classmate's ass when I was
at elementary school

when I say Only,
I mean only the Pen
Not the going in, neither all the bleeding, neither the slap in my face
neither the 3 day exclusion and neither the most disturbing one: missing sports class...

Once upon a time
I was someone dangerous....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

(Finding My Place(PhaseII

مدرسه ها پر است از بچه هايي كه
هر سال خردسال تر از سال قبل مي شوند.

دفتر مدرسه ها هم مملو از افراد سياهي است كه
دريافته اند كم كم دارند كم رنگ مي شوند.

چيزي كه رنگ و سن نمي شناسد و عوض نمي شود,
كمبود ظرفيت توالت ها سر زنگ هاي نماز است.

تنها من باقي مونده ام
و جريمهء انشاهاي نانوشته اي را كه بايد در وبلاگم بنويسم.

Schools Are Full of the kids
who become more younger year by year.

School Offices are full of blackend person
who has discovered that they are losing colour.

The Only thing which has nothing to do with colour and age is
the insufficiency of the toilet's capacity at Praying times.

I am the only one who's left
and the essays that I should write in this blog as a forfeit.
Cozy Basement

هميشه نبايد براي هر مطلب نظري داشت
بعضي فانتزي ها بهتر است هيچ گاه گفته نشوند.
همينكه ذهن فرد مخاطب تصورش كند و از آن لذت ببرد
كفايت مي كند.

بر همين اساس
متوسط صد و ده بيست ويزيتور روزانه ام رو
به سه گروه تقسيم مي كنم:
- ده دوازده تايي كه هر روز اينجارو گرم مي كنن
- تعدادي كه فقط وقتي حرفي براي گفتن دارن يكي دو خط مي نويسن
- و بقيه اي كه نه حرفي ميزنن, نه حتي تا به حال ابراز وجودي كرده اند
لينك اين وبلاگ رو يه گوشه گذاشته اند و هر از گاهي بهش سر مي زنند.

بلاگري خوشبخت تر از من سراغ داريد؟

You should not always have a comment for each post.
some fantasies are better to be left unsaid.
Its just enough when
the reader imagines and enjoys that.

So I'd like to classify the Average of my daily 120 visitors
in 3 groups:
- those 10 or 12 guys who come here everyday and Rock the Party!
- Those who write a line or two just when they feel like they've got something to say.
- and The rest who Dont write, who have never ever introduced themselves before,
who have put the link of this blog somewhere and visit it from time to time.

What else am I looking for?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Forgotten Thoughts Of Yesterdays

آه خداي من!
اينها چه جانوراني هستند ديگر؟

هميشه بايد مثل بچه ها جفت پا در گودال آب
خلوت تفكرات و موزيك و كتاب هايت بپرند
و مدام مثل يه تيكه آدامس بچسبن بهت تا بشه اسمشون رو گذاشت:
انسان! موجودي اجتماعي...

اصلا چه كسي بهشون گفته كه حتما بايد
دقايق با ارزش افراد را ضايع كنند تا نشان دهند
در مورد سطحي ترين و بي ارزش ترين مسائل زندگي
بيشتر از تو مي فهمند؟

نكند تمام اينها براي اين است كه ثابت كنند
اين قدرت تفكرشان است
كه باعث مي شود در طبقه بندي حيوانات, با چهارپايان در يك رده قرار نگيرند؟

قسم مي خورم به تمامشون باور دارم!
حالا هم برو زنگ بزن به مامانت...
مي خواد بدونه واسه عيد كي بر ميگردي شهرتون.
در ضمن دختره هم برات غذا پخته و فرستاده
قسم مي خورم اگر من اينجا نبودم
خودشو رو هم با قابلمه مي فرستاد
بدش كه نمياد! هميشه واسه پروژه هاي دو نفره حاضره.

Oh God!
What Kind Of Creatures are they?

They Should always Jump like kids
In the Muddy Puddle Of the solitude of my thoughts, Music, and reading books
And Stick to me like a Gum to finger So That You would Call them:
Human Being, The Symbion Creature.

Who has told them that they should
Waste Others Valuable minutes to show that
They know much more than one in the fields of
The Most worthless and stupid topics?

Is this all for them to Improve that
Its their ability of contemplating which leads them
not To get involved in the same taxon with Horses & Donkeys In Taxonomy.

I Swear the God that I Believe that!
Now go and Call Your Mommy...
She Wants to know when you're coming back to your city for new year Holidays.
again, The Girl Has cooked and sent you Food.
I swear the god that if i wasnt here
She would Sent herself in the Stewpan.
She is always available for twosome projects.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

حاج آقا تلويزيوني كلا اينترنت را توصيه نمي كند.
اما ميگويد در مواقع ضروري بايد
از اينترنتي كه به خوبي فيلتر شده باشد استفاده كرد.
فيلترينگ را هم نوعي پاستوريزه كردن مي داند كه كار بسيار پسنديده اي است.

چه عميق!
فكرش را بكن
گوسفند هاي پاستوريزه...
ديگه نه احتياجي به كارخانجات پاستوريزه كنندهء شير و نه چيز ديگه
همه چيز از توليد به مصرف
تهيه شده از بهترين تاپالهء گاوميش!
روزي 3 ليوان ترجيحا صبح ظهر عصر.

تف به غيرت نداشته تون اگر بر حقايق جامعه هم بخنديد.

The Mollah On TV Refrains from Using Internet.
but he also says that in Essential cases
You should use internet services which has been filtered properly.
He Thinks that internet Censorship is an admirable Ploy.

How Deep!
Think about it
Pasteurized Sheeps
And No More Dairy Farms for doing the pasteurizing process
Dairying Directly
Made From The Finest Bull Craps!
3 full glasses per Day, better to have 1 in the morning, noon and evening.

Godddamn your Patriotisms if you're Laughing at Society's Truths.

Monday, March 06, 2006

آموزش و پرورش - Education

مشق شب زبان انگليسي شما
كه 20 بار مي نويسيد تا هيچوقت يادتون نره:

A Shot In The GLASS Is Better Than The One In The ASS

Your English Homework!
Write it at least 20 times so you wont forget it anymore:

A shot in the GLASS is better than the one in the ASS

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Question Is How Much Is Enough

گاهي عميق ترين صحنه
تلاقي نگاه با نگاه پسربچهء فقيري است.

هميشه كه نبايد
يك جفت جيب دم دست باشه
تا دستاتو بچپوني اون تو
و زور بزني فكرهاي قشنگ قشنگ از توي مخت دربياري كه.

اصلا هميشه هم نبايد انسان بود
گاهي بايد تبديل به سگي ولگرد شد
كه در كوچه پس كوچه هاي شهر پرسه مي زند
و به پنجره هاي روشن
و بوي گرم آشپزخانه ها حسادت مي كند.

بعد سرت را زير بياندازي
و مدام به خودت يادآوري كني كه
تو حتي اون پودلي نيستي كه انسانها دلشان برايت بسوزد
و از خدا خواسته تو را به خانه بياورند...

البته جداي از تمام اين حرف ها
گاهي يك تخته سنگ كنار آب و يك قرص ماه هم كفايت مي كند.
قرص كه تو آبه, سرتو بكن توي آب و قرص و آب رو مك بزن.
وقتي رفت پايين خودش مي تركه
نوعي اكستاسي

Sometimes The most memorable scene
is the Look of a Poor Child in Your Eyes

There should not always be
a pair of pockets available for you to
put your hands in and
Try Hard to bring goody goody thoughts outta your mind.

You dont Even Have to be just human being
You should turn into a dog Sometimes
which Strays in the Streets
and Is Jealous of lightened up windows
and the warmth smell coming out of kitchen windows.

And Then Put Your head down
and Remind yourself occaisionally that
You're not even a Poodle who poeple would commiserate
and take you home with pleasure...

Forget about all these things
Sometimes a Piece of Rock beside a Lymph and a Pill Of Moon is Enough.
the Pill is In The Water, then you put your face in the water and Suck the Mix Of Water and Pill.
It will affect
like an Extacy

Saturday, March 04, 2006

?You Can't Set Me Free, Can You

اصلا چه معني ميده حالا كه كامپيوتر خيلي از افراد
پره از عشوه هاي بي مخاطب آنجلينا جولي, كاترين زتا جونز و ديگر ستاره هاي زن هاليوودي
من و تو هم نگاه واقع بينانه مان را با ناخن هاي لاك زده كور كنيم؟

حتي ناخودآگاهانه.

So what that the computers of too many guys out there
Are Full of "Angelina Julie" and "Catherine zeta Jones" and other Hollywood star's "Non-Addressee Coquettes"?
Thats Not a Good Reason To convince ourselves that we should Seel Our Idealistic Look with those polished nails too!

Even Unconsciously!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Deal With It

حقيقت در مورد تو اينه كه
تو يه احمق نيستي.
يا حداقلش اينطور فكر مي كني!

حقيقت در مورد من هم اينه كه
من يه احمقم.
يا شايد اينطور به نظر ميرسه!

اين دفعه هم جوابي براي هر كسي كه بگ
ه «چرا اصرار داري احمق جلوه كني» ندارم.
يا حداقل اينطور به نظر ميرسه!

اصلا بيخيال!
نه شما درك مي كنيد
نه اوني كه برام ميل ميزنه و ميگه:
"...Dear idiot, Thank you for registering At"

The Truth about You Is That
You're Not An Idiot
Or at Least You Think So!

The Truth About Me is THat
I'm An Idiot
Or Maybe It Seems So!

I Dont Have Any Straight Answer for Anyone who would ask me that: "Why Do You insist on that idiocy?"
Or At Least It seems Like This!

You Dont Understand
Nor That guy Who Sends me an e-mail Saying:
Dear idiot, Thank you for registering At...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

...The World Is Going Round 'n Round 'n Round

چونه مو روي ميز گذاشته بودم و داشتم آروم آروم ليوانم رو هم ميزدم.
حقيقتش نمي تونم اعتماد كنم!
حتي به گارسوني كه معلوم نيست توي هفتمين ليوان كوكتل سفارشي من
به اندازهء‌ ليوان اول الكل اضافه كرده باشه.
وقتي گارسون از خواب بيدارم كرد,
از زن جواني كه در ميز روبرويي نشسته بود پرسيدم
مثل اين بود كه دوز نگاه مردانه ام براش زياد بوده
همينكه غذاشو خورده, يه تاكسي گرفته و رفته بود.

I Put My Chin on The table while I was riling my Glass.
You know What? I Can't Trust!
Even That Waiter Who cant certify that he has poured the same dose of alcohol
to my 7th Glass Of Cocktail Like he did to my first one.
When the Waiter waked me up
I Asked Him about that young lady that had sit in front of me
It was like the dose of the look of my eyes was too much for her
so as she'd finished her meal, she'd taken a cab and was gone.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

We're All Living In America

«دراكولا» را كشتند
و بر آن افسانه ها نوشتند
و فيلم هاي مختلف ساختند
و مردم را از آن ترسانيدند و...

حقيقت امر چيزي جز سياستي آمريكايي
براي عرضه كردن «كوكا كولا» و «پپسي كولا» به جهان نبود.

‏They Killed Dracula
And Wrote Stories On Him
And Made Movies As Well
And Scared The People of Him

But The Truth was, It was Just an American Politic
To Replace "Coca COla" And "Pepsi Cola" instead Around The World.
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