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Monday, June 14, 2010

965 - Divided A Man Fell

Are you among those boys
who would like to read more about one man's thoughts?

Are you one of those girls
Who would like to get to know this man more?

You think You know?
You think You can see?
You think You understand?


Imagine a boy
all alone in a car, castaway and hated
staring at a gray looking sunset
of an election day.
Full of presentiment and anxiety,
feelings of hate and revenge within,
Trying to make up his mind
to give his decision THE final thought...

Though you don't know
It was only Roger that day,
who talked along confidently in agreement with him:
Goodbye Cruel World
I'm leaving you today
Goodbye! Goodbyeee, Goodbye.

Goodbye All You people
There is nothing you can say
to make me change my mind,

...And Encouraged him with his decision!

That was when he made his choice
with a bitter smile
and full of feelings of vengeance
with that painful snob in his throat!
Went out there to stand in a line
which there were full of men and women
talking about kicking some midget out with happiness!
Though one could tell that
He was one of them,
or even somebody larger than that
but He actually wrote down the worst and the most irrational choice on the paper
with shaking hands and heart full of hatred...
Though Everything felt painful
but it all seemed rational...

He had nothing to lose afterward,
not even a tad of feeling!

He was dizzy,
He was numb,
A loner, hopeless man with no actual comrade and no right to choose!
Bought a beer and poured some Vodka in it,
to easen things up.
Everything was like a vertigo,
And "Green" was a repetition of a total tommyrot
and in no doubt it was about to happen once more!
He drove down the streets with no proper destination that day
and looked at people who had smiles on their face and hope in their eyes with regret!

By the end of a day in which people were grouped in two major colours:

He was the Darkest Blues!
Though the colour of the day after,
Was none of it, at all...

شما از آن دسته پسرهايي هستيد كه
مي خواهيد هرچه بيشتر از افكار يك مرد بخوانيد؟

شما از آن دسته دخترهايي هستيد كه
مي خواهيد بيشتر با اين مرد آشنا شويد؟

فكر مي كنيد مي دانيد؟
مي توانيد ببينيد؟
فكر مي كنيد مي فهميد؟


پسري را در عصر يك روز انتخابات
تنها توي ماشين، مطرود و منفور،
خيره به غروبي خاكستري در نظر بگيريد
كه با حالي پر از دلهره و اضطراب،
و دروني پر از حس نفرت و انتقام،
سعي مي كرد ذهنش را آماده كند
تا براي آخرين بار به تصميمش خوب فكر كند...

گرچه شما نمي دانيد كه
در آن روز فقط راجر بود كه با او همراه
و با لحني پر از اطمينان با او هم صدا شد:د

Goodbye Cruel world

I'm leaving you today
Goodbye! Goodbyeee Goodbye.

Goodbye All You people
There is nothing you can say
to make me change my mind,
و او را به تصميمش ترغيب كرد!

همان موقع بود كه او
با لبخندي تلخ
حسي پر از انتقام جويي
به همراه بغضي عميق تصميمش را گرفت!
در صفي از مرد و زن ايستاد كه در اطراف او
با شادي از بيرون كردن كوتوله اي صحبت مي كردند!
گرچه هر كسي مي توانست بگويد
او يكي از آن ها بود
يا حتي كسي بيشتر از نوع آن ها
اما در واقع او با دست لرزان و قلبي آكنده از نفرت
بدترين و غير قابل باورترين گزينه را روي كاغذ نوشت...
گرچه همه چيز دردناك بود،
اما تماما منطقي مي نمود...

بعد از آن ديگر چيزي براي از دست دادن نداشت،
نه حتي ذره اي احساس!

گيج بود،
كرخت بود،
مردي تنها و نااميد بود بدون هم فكر و حق انتخاب!
آبجويي گرفت و وودكا درونش ريخت
تا اوضاع را كمي آرام تر كند.
همه چيز يك سرگيجه بود،
و سبز تكرار يك خريت محض
و بي شك در شرف اتفاق بود!
تمام غروب آن روز را در خيابان ها بي مقصد رانندگي
و با نا اميدي و تاسف به مردماني كه لبخند بر لبشان و اميد در چشمانشان بود، نگاه كرد!

در انتهاي روزي كه مردم در آن دو رنگ اصلي بودند:

او تيره ترين آبي ها بود!
گرچه رنگ فرداي آن روز،
هيچ كدام از اين رنگ ها نبود...د

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