According to the "Wise and sharp look" of some assholes who said I don't have what it takes to see the achievements they got during Iran's Post Presidential Election unrests, for the price they paid:
And It's all Words!
I wonder what else do these people care about in life but each other's words!
I never cared, How much people's miserable life in here
depends on what relatives, neighbors and all the others may say about them!
Screw you and your fucked up life!
I can't understand,
What makes these "words" THIS valuable so that
They take so many of you people
to count even not a word, but a hint to a statement from a Governor presentor on TV
saying: "Maybe some have problem with the system"
not only as valuable as the blood of one, but hundreds!!
Oh God!
You ARE a disgrace to all humanity, life, and Ferdowsi's epics!
You deluded People!
You People of talks!
Talks of Slogans, Plaudit, Flattery, and insincere Compliments!
You people of spreading the big fat lies as a common thing!
You may be able to sit with your own type on your asses
and tell epopees about everything you do!
But All you so called fucking heroes:
If you weren't dead, you would not scorn value of one's blood and life
And If you were alive, then you would not do Existence instead!
If you were loyal, you'd be straight with yourself
ANd If you had eyes to see, then you'd take a look around
and If you had wisdom, You'd ask yourself
What major thing you changed
All you who's slogan was "Change"
During a year?
Where did they stand back, so you could have taken something back?
Where are you today?
Where is your leader?
and Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?!
Wise (!) and
Sharp Looks (!) and...
Oooh Bollocks!
در راستاي نگاه "ظريف و تيزبين" نمونه اي از يك خروار دست خر
اندر اين باب:حرف!
و فقط حرف!
به اين مي انديشم كه اين مردم چه چيز مهمي در زندگي بجز حرف يكديگر دارند؟
من هيچ وقت اهميت ندادم، زندگي تيره بخت اكثر مردم
چقدر به حرف اقوام، همسايه و اين و آن و به طور كل به همان
"مردم" معروف بستگي تام دارد!
گور پدر خود و زندگي نكبت بارتان!
من نمي توانم درك كنم،
چه چيزي در
"حرف" اينقدر اهميت پيدا مي كند
كه عدهء زيادي از شما را تا آن جا پيش مي برد
كه حرف كه چه عرض كنم،
"اشارهء" يك "كارشناس دولت"
شامل گزاره اي 5 كلمه اي همچون "مشكل عده اي با ولايـت فـقـيـه"
ارزشي برابر و هم ردهء خون نه يك انسان بلكه ده ها قرار مي گيرد؟!!!
شما ننگ انسان و جان و شعر فردوسي پاكزاد هستيد!
اي حماسه سازان متوهم!
شما ملت حرف!
شعار، تمجيد، تملق و تعارف!
شما مردم مروج بزرگ ترين و كثيف ترين انواع دروغ هاي معمول!
شما شايد بتوانيد با انواع خودتان ساعت ها بنشينيد
و در مورد هر چيزي حماسه سرايي كنيد!
اما شما مردمان حماسي!
اگر مرده نبوديد ارزش خون و جان را اينطور پايمال نمي كرديد
اگر زنده بوديد، زنده گي نمي كرديد،
اگر صادق بوديد با خودتان رو راست مي بوديد
اگر چشم داشتيد، به اطرافتان نگاه مي كرديد
و اگر عقل داشتيد از خودتان مي پرسيديد
بعد از گذشت يك سال
چه چيزي را تغيير داديد
اي كساني كه "تغيير" را شعار كرده بوديد؟
كجا پيش نشستند كه پس گرفته باشيد؟
امروز كجاي كار هستيد؟
رهبرتان كجاست؟
5 سال ديگر خودتان را كجا مي بينيد؟!
پدرسوخته ها!