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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Signs Of Wisdom

English Lesson:

The Word "Coincidence" Means:
One night Before " Fetr* "
A Group Of People Of A Country, win the world planetary Olympiad
Then Some Official people of the country, Would go and seek for moon with their eyes, Ignoring The most accurate Planetary Calculations
Keeping A Large Group of people in Uncertainity
and Some in Quandary

Got that?

* - Muslims fast on a certain month called "Ramadan", since the months are based on lunar actions, the first day of the next month is called "Fetr" which muslims Must Not Fast, thats the importance of such a day.

آموزش زبان انگليسي:

يعني اينكه يك شب قبل از عيد فطر
همزمان يك عده از آدم هاي يك كشور بروند در المپياد نجوم قهرمان جهان شوند
آنوقت يك عدهء آدم رسمي، محاسبات ثانيه اي نجوم را بي ارزش دانسته و بروند با چشم دنبال ماه بگردند.
بعد يك عدهء زيادي سر كار باشند
يك عده اي هم در حيرت!

ياد گرفتيد؟

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