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Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm making history in every single moments of life!

like that Morning
When My backpack, my converse shoes and I Ran from My own "self" and whatever that had been linked to it To mountains.
Although I Got Trapped
and I Ran away and Got captured a couple of times,
but I was making history!

Or That Evening On "Jordan" Street, "Tour" Avenue
When We Closed our eyes to everything
and kissed each other's lips...
You might not know, but We were making history!

Or those days when I put a qulaity of time
to be able to study at one of Iran's best universities...
Allthough I might regret wasting my time here in this country now
but I've already made It's own history anyway!

let get back to a couple of months ago!
When I was at "Stone Sour"'s Concert
When that british gurl and her friend and I were Screaming our loungs out
Singing along "Through Glass" Song:
"And If the Staaaars, The Staaaaaars Will Shine for you"

Well, That night the stars were shining for us!

Or at "Incubus"'s Concert,
when I looked at the sky
and shouted out along with the crowd:
I... wish you were here!

Well I was making history during all that moments


I'll Grab my backpack and leave this place!
Although I'm aware of the fact that, that time
I'll be Nobody, instead of whoever I am right now!
But I'll be leaving To Make a new history!
leaving my history book for you, Start writing a new one
Like a man born a twenty and X year old kid!

And You My iranian Fellows! Don't You worry!
You Are Making History
As long As "Vladimir Putin" calls his journey to iran the Freaking "Epochal"!i

در همهء لحظات زندگي دارم تاريخ مي سازم!

مثل آن روز صبح زود
كه من، كوله پشتي و كانورس هايم از "خود" ام و هر چيزي كه بهش وصل بود فرار كرديم به كوه...
اگرچه دوباره گرفتارش شدم
و اين جريان فرار و دستگيري چند بار تكرار شد،
اما من داشتم تاريخ مي ساختم!

يا آن روز عصر در جردن سر خيابان تور
وقتي چشمانمان را به روي همه چيز بستيم
و لب هايمان به هم گره خورد...
شايد نداني! اما ما داشتيم تاريخ مي ساختيم!

يا وقتي كه وقتم را گذاشتم
تا در يكي از دانشگاه هاي خوب ايران قبول شوم...
شايد پشيمان باشم از وقتي كه در اين كشور حروم كرده ام
اما به هر حال
در حال حاضر تاريخ آن را هم ساخته ام!

به همين چند ماه پيش برگرديم!
سر كنسرت Stone Sour
وقتي من و اون دختر بريتيش و دوستش، 3 تايي كنار هم و با آهنگ Through Glass
از ته شش هايمان فرياد مي زديم:
And If The Staaaars,The Staaaars will shine for you...
ستاره ها براي من داشتند مي درخشيدند!

يا سر كنسرت Incubus
وقتي به آسمان نگاه كردم
و با همه فرياد زدم: I... Wish You Were here

من در تمام آن لحظات داشتم تاريخ مي ساختم!


يك روز كوله پشتي ام را روي كولم مي اندازم و از اينجا خواهم رفت!
اگر چه مي دانم آن وقت به جاي هر كسي كه الان هستم ديگر هيچ كس نخواهم بود!
اما به هر حال، مي روم تا تاريخ جديدي بسازم!
مانند مردي كه بيست و چند ساله بدنيا آمده باشد!

شما هم نگران نباشيد!
تا وقتي "پوتين" از سفر تاريخي اش به ايران سخن مي گويد،
شما هم داريد تاريخ مي سازيد!

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