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Monday, February 15, 2010

935 - Bobby will have her revenge on Seattle

Boby wants some Cookies!
But nobody gives him any!
Cookies are up there on the refrigerator
and Boby's hands can't reach them!

Boby gets disappointed
and swear to make his revenge on the world one day...


See Boby now
Sitting up there on the refrigerator these days
right beside where the cookies are
looking down
and laughing at all those who are down there
asking for cookies!
All those who once could reach the cookies
but wouldn't give our little Boby any cookies.

بابي كوچولو، كلوچه مي خواد!
اما هيچ كس به او كلوچه نميده!
كلوچه ها را بالاي يخچال گذاشته اند
و دست بابي هم به اون ها نمي رسه!

بابي كوچولو دمغ ميشه
و قسم مي خوره كه يه روز از دنيا انتقام بگيره...


بابي رو ببين
اين روزها اون بالا ها نشسته
بالاي يخچال كنار جاي كلوچه ها
به پايين نگاه مي كنه
و به آدم هايي كه اون پايين كلوچه مي خوان،
مي خنده!
همان هايي كه روزي دستشان به كلوچه مي رسيد
اما به بابي كوچولوي ما كلوچه نمي دادند.د

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