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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Territorial Pissing

You want a good note?
There is no Good Note!i

Not Until There are such Motherfuckers
Who love reading all these notes
and spreading them among their friends
But Just HATE to mention the NAME of the Writer!i

No, Not Here!i

شما نوشتهء خوب مي خواهيد؟
نوشتهء خوبي وجود ندارد!

نه تا زماني كه حرامزاده هايي هستند
كه عاشق خواندن تمام اين نوشته ها
و پخش كردن آن ها بين دوستان خود هستند
امـــــــا از بردن نام نــويـسـنـدهء آن بيزارند!

نه! ايـنـجــا نه!

These are not my notes that are interesting,i
Its me who choose n' arrange all the words together pretty well!i

And the fact that we are not supposed to see each other,i
Doesnt give you the right to ignore me!i

اين نوشته ها نيستند كه جالب هستند!
اين من هستم كه كلمات را خوب انتخاب و كنار هم مي چينم!

و حالا كه قرار نيست همديگر را ببينيم،
دليل نمي شود كه مرا ناديده بگيريد!

I Guess I've grown Longer
Eversince I wrote this one...i

از اين پست تا حالا
گويا دراز تر شده ام...

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