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Tuesday, December 02, 2008


The Fact that
Everytime I dive in the blue world
Located on the top of the tower you live in
Everything Goes Still
and I Hear the "Come As You Are" song in my head
and see my new born self
Paddling on the water surface
Must have something to do with my background.

Thinking about it
I Just remember that My Mother never abandon me to water stream
nor to that American Woman who wanted to take me with her
Or Anything else that happened in the past
which one could lay down in the sun
and think about them for hours
Until the song in my head would reach the part
when that Girl in Black bikini
"Dowsed and Soaked" in water
Comes out of the Pool
i"as a Friend"i
i"as an old Enemy",i
Coming to me
i"As I Want her to be..."i

تا من
در آن دنياي آبي بالاي برج خانه تو دايو مي زنم
همه چيز ساكت مي شود
و من صداي آهنگ Come As You Are را در گوشم مي شنوم
و خود نوزادم را مي بينم
كه آن بالا نزديك سطح آب دارد دست و پا مي زند
بايد يك ربطي به گذشتهء من داشته باشد.

اما هر چه فكر مي كنم ميبينم
مادرم هيچ وقت من را نه به آب سپرد،
نه به آن زن آمريكايي كه مي خواست مرا با خودش ببرد
يا هر چيز ديگري در گذشته
كه مي شود
ساعت ها بر آفتاب دراز كشيد
و راجع بهش فكر كرد
تا زماني كه اين آهنگ توي سر من به آنجا برسد
كه آن دختر بيـكيني مشكي پوش
Dowsed And Soaked در آب
از استخر بيرون آيد
مثل يك Friend،i
يك Old Enemy،i
بيايد به سمت من
As I want her to be...i

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