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Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Tell Me!
HAve your father - when you were 5 -
dragged you behind himself for a long walk in the pedestrians
without saying a single word?
And end up in a Fast food,
Sat you in a chair and talked to you about the seperation of him and your mom
and you didnt say a word
and Just stared at your hamburger
and Felt like there was something bad going on?

Neither did my father!i

پدرت، وقتي 5 ساله بودي
تو رو به پياده روي طولاني در پياده رو ها بدنبال خودش كشونده
بدون اينكه يك كلام با هات حرف بزنه؟
دست آخر ببردت به يك همبرگر فروشي
بشونه تورو روي صندلي و با تو از جدا شدن او و مادرت حرف بزنه
و تو هيچ حرفي نزني
و فقط خيره بشي به همبرگرت
حس كني چيز بدي قرار است اتفاق بيوفتد؟

پدر من هم نه!

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