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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Live n' Let Die

I believe that
Mothers are
some sort of creatures with weird possession...

In order to prove this
I'd like to bring out the fact that I'm a nightingle
to let you know that
Mothers are bunch of Bird Lovers
Who cut their own bird's wings
keep it in the cage
even though they cherish them
cause they really cant take to see that
the bird has flown away one day!

Dont you think so?
Then What are these Whole Twitterings I'd been doing these past years, huh?
Don't you see that?

من فكر مي كنم
موجوديست با يك جور احساس مالكيت عجيب و غريب...

بعدش براي اثبات اين موضوع
استناد مي كنم به بلبل بودن خودم
تا ثابت كنم مادرها
يه مشت پرنده بازن
كه بال پرنده شون رو مي چينن،
اونو توي قفس نگه مي دارن،
اگرچه بهش لطف هم مي كنن،
چون طاقت ندارن ببينن يه روز
پرنده هه پر بزنه بره!

باور نداري؟!
پس اين همه بلبل زبوني اي كه تا حالا كرده ام، چي؟!
نمي بيني؟

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