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Sunday, January 09, 2011

1058 - Robert, Mofo, Sob, Love, Rebel, Cold Heartbreaker, Charles Manson, and All the names in the world

Yeah You know it's true...
I AM one son of a bitch!
That's Right! And I'm not Jeering you this time!

I captivated so many women
- For Whatever it was that they found charming in me -
But I did not maintain a relationship with any of 'em
Because I always had to leave
Due to the fact that I couldn't Stay
For Whatever reason it was meant to be
For Whatever reason it is the way it is
And For Whatever reason I am who I am.

آره خب...
من یه آدم نامردم!
نه نه! این دفعه رو طعنه نمی زنم!

من زنان زیادی را شیفتهء خودم کردم
- به هر علتی که برایشان جذابیت داشتم -
و با هیچ کدام رابطه ای برقرار نکردم
به این خاطر که باید می رفتم
چون من هیچ وقت نمی تونستم بمونم
حالا به هر دلیلی که بوده
به هر دلیلی که هست
و به هر دلیلی که هستم.د

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