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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

937 - Zed's Chopper Baby!

Next Plan?
I'll burn down this place we call home
and bury that piece of me they want
and whatever connected to it
and spit on it's grave
and walk away from it.

Then I'll hit the road,
in the back seat of a car
or a seat on a bus
or in a wagon of a train by the window,
deaf from the personal outlaw-ish favorite music,
muted and with blown eyes and a staring look, cold as a stone
with my disgracing face hidden partially beneath my hair,
to whatever place
that I make an identity for me
and Identity that no wanker from the past
would knew about it or had a hand in it.

That's the Plan baby!
The plan!

نقشهء بعدي؟
اول اين جايي كه اسمش را مي گذاريم خانه را آتش خواهم زد
سپس آن قسمت از خودم را كه آن ها مي خواهند
و هر چيز مرتبط با آن را از بين مي برم
و دفن مي كنم
و به روي آن تف مي اندازم
و تركش مي كنم.

مي زنم به جاده
صندلي پشتي يك ماشين،
يا صندلي يك اتوبوس،
يا در يك واگن قطار كنار پنجره،
كر از موزيك شخصي ياغي گري برانگيزم
لال و چشماني خسته و نگاهي خيره و سرد مثل سنگ
با چهرهء بي آبرويم نيمه پنهان زير موهايم،
به سمت هر آنجايي كه
هويتي جديد بسازم براي خودم
هويتي كه هيچ دست خري از گذشته
نه از آن ديگر خبري داشته باشد نه در آن دستي.

نقشه همين است عزيزم!
همين است.د


افسانه سیزیف said...

oh man, this is just fucking awesome ! I wish I could do that too ... i am suffocating as i feel my head jammed up against walls surrounded me. do you want an accompany?


The problem is that there is ALWAYS s1 or sth to ---- up yr plans

Iranian idiot said...

@ Sisyphus: Accompany??? Yeah with sitting right in front of each other staring cold and exchanging bored and defiant looks!?
Making love in a dirty public toilet... at one of the stops...
Shit! What is your definition of companionship?!

Iranian idiot said...

@ ---: Everything depends on you and how strong your will is, and how adventurous and spontaneous and so many other adjectives you can be!

افسانه سیزیف said...

Making love in a a dirty public toilet?
this is not for sure my definition of companionship :D

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