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Monday, October 06, 2008

Just A Bunch Of Wankers

I Think
The only one who didnt Copy/paste
the shocking "I Want to be a prostitute" essay of that 10 year old girl
was The Freaking Iranian idiot!i

Iranian Blogsphere
desperately Suffers from incapabality to create new, hot Topics!i

Ps.1: Below are some blog or website links (in Farsi) that All copied and pasted the same note!
Ps.2: A ten year old girl has written an essay with the subject of "I want to be a prostitute" as what she likes to become when grown up, regarding the fact that she didnt really know what a prostitute is or does, just as someone attractive who dresses up well, whether drives nice cars or have drivers and always hold parties and even her own father had been invited to her house a few times. I may translate that into english if there would be someone interested.

فكر كنم
تنها كسي كه انشاي تكان دهندهء "مي خواهم فاحشه بشوم"
آن دختر ده ساله را در وبلاگش Copy/Paste نكرده بود
ايديت دم بريده بود!

لينك ها:

لينك 1
لينك 2
لينك 3
لينك 42
لينك 57
لينك 76
لينك 125
لينك 256
لينك 374
لينك 512
لينك 666
لينك 728
لينك 832
لينك 1000
لينك 12535
و... و... و..

بلاگستان ايراني شديدا از درد عدم توانايي در توليد مطالب داغ رنج مي برد!

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