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Monday, January 21, 2008

Complete Idiot's Guide For Going Abroad!!

You know idiot? These Are All My Experiments and Observations of the lives of me and my relatives and my kind of people (mostly Iranian) that I want To share with You.
With This Presupposition that They All are aware of the fact that There is No such Dreamy thing going on out of Iran, ACtually, But they still Choose to go Abroad.


Everything Starts When
You choose to entrust yourself to The Storm Of Life, And Try to Survive.

And Then, You Leave your Father's house with a backpack, in a Heavy Day,
and You go live as roommates with one, two or more of your friends...
And You go through So many things...

You Face and Wrestle With So many Problems, Difficulties and Restrictions,
socially, Financially, etc...
Every Day,
Every Morning,
Every Noon,
In The Bus,
In taxi,
in subway,
in Pedestrians,
in streets
in the Shops ofcourse,

And When You get used to all these,
You probably go Abroad...

When There, You dont fear of the whole new place that much,
you already know the problems and situations,
And you try to get along with it.

Then The only thing that you do is
Understanding, and knowing the new way of living.

Yes! You Learn and You Do Feel the Life Now,
And You Are Actually Living the life!
instead of sitting at your dad's house in Iran
thinkin about the General Things like: Religion, Politics, Lies, human Rights
and almost Every single thing that prevents you from
feeling every single day and things going on around you with your quintuplet senses,
Things like:
Hearing The Voice of the Man in the Picture on the wall,
or the Blabberings of Your Dog,
or the great personality of your Champagne Glasses,
or the Harmony in The Black colour of the Swimming suit of that lady with her white skin, taking sunbath near you.
or the warmth in the touch of the sun on your skin, while lying on sea shore...

Then its the time when...
That Night,
You gather together in a Bar or Disco with the new people who have changed your life,
And instead of drinking to forget those Crazy thoughts in your head,
You Drink To Your own self, To All those efforts you have made all these time, To Tomorrow, and All these friends even some will remain temporarily.
You Celebrate with them
and Drink For Joy and you all go nuts and Drunk!

That's Exactly the moment when Time And days find their meanings:
You've got to work for 5 days from tomorrow morning
and spending the 2 day weekend with friends...i

مي دوني ايديت! اين ها تجربيات و مشاهدات من از نوع زندگي آدم هايي (بيشتر ايراني) چون من و دوستان و نزديكانمه كه مي خوام باهات در ميون بذارم.
با اين پيش فرض كه آن ها مي دانند خارج از ايران هيچ رويايي در حال روي دادن نيست، با اين حال سعي مي كنند بروند.


همه چيز از آن جا شروع مي شود
كه تو تصميم مي گيري خودت رو به طوفان زندگي بسپاري و سعي كني باقي بموني!

بعد توي يه روز سنگين، خونهء پدري ات را با يك كوله پشتي ترك مي كني،
با يك، دو يا چند تا دوست هم خونه ميشي...
و اتفاقات زيادي برات ميوفته...

با مشكلات و محدوديت هاي زيادي سروكله ميزني، كاري، مالي، اجتماعي...
هر روز،
هر صبح،
هر ظهر،
توي اتوبوس،
توي تاكسي،
توي مترو،
توي پياده رو،
توي مغازه ها،

و وقتي به همهء اين ها عادت كردي
خارج هم ميري...

اون جا تو نسبت به محيط جديد ترس نداري
تو ديگر مشكلات رو مي شناسي
و باهاشون كناري مياي.

اون وقت تنها كاري كه مي كني
فهميدن نوع و نحوهء زندگيه.

بله! حالا تو ديگر زندگي رو درك مي كني،
و زندگي را داري زندگي مي كني!
به جاي اينكه نشسته باشي در خانهء پدري ات در ايران
و در حال فكر كردن به كلياتي چون: مذهب، سياست، دروغ ها، حقوق انساني و شهروندي
و كلا چيزهايي باشي كه تو را باز ميدارد از اينكه
هر يك روز دنيا و جيزهايي كه دوروبرت اتفاق مي افتد را با حس هاي پنج گانه ات درك كني،
چيزهايي چون:
شنيدن صحبت هاي مرد توي تابلو،
يا وراجي هاي سگت،
شخصيت والاي ليوان هاي شامپاينت،
هارموني مايوي مشكي با پوست سفيد دختري كه كنار تو دارد حمام آفتاب ميگيرد،
يا گرمي نوازش آفتاب روي پوستت در كنار ساحل...

آن وقت است كه...
همان شب،
با آدم هاي جديد اطرافت كه زندگيت رو برات تغيير دادن جمع مي شيد توي يه "بار" يا "ديسكو"
و به جاي مشروب نوشيدن براي فراموش كردن افكار و ديوانگي هاي توي مغزت
به افتخار خودت، تمام تلاش هاي اين چند وقتت، فرداها، و تمام اين دوستان حال حاضرت حتي اگر موقتي
جشن مي گيري
از فرط شادي مي نوشي و همه با هم سرمست مي شويد و مي شوي!

اين دقيقا همان وقتي است كه زمان و روزهاي هفته معنا دار ميشود:
از فردا به مدت 5 روز كار
و بعد 2 روز آخر هفته با دوستان...

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