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Thursday, January 12, 2012

1181 - Beating the Dead Horse

Toast to that boy
who didn't say a word, when got slapped in the face by his father when he was 10.
Didn't say a word, when got slapped in the face by him when he was 20.
And cried when his father slapped him in the face when he became 30!
And when his father asked why he was crying,
Replied: Your hands weren't shaking back then.

And This, is a masterpiece, in praise of Parents
among the people, who has gained their dignity by getting slapped in the face!
And has mistreatment of children as a part of it's culture, and proud of it,
And count children as their assets.

And we,
Celebrated the birthday of the great big old man of our life, right just a few days ago.

سلامتیه اون پسری که
ده سالش بود، باباش زد تو گوشش هیچی نگفت.د
بیست سالش شد باباش زد تو گوشش هیچی نگفت.د
سی سالش شد باباش زد تو گوشش زد زیر گریه!د
باباش گفت: چرا گریه می کنی؟
گفت: آخه اون وقتا دستت نمی لرزید!د

و این است ارزشمند ترین نوشته، در وصف پدر و مادر
در میان مردمانی که شان و منزلت از سیلی خوردن کسب،د
و کودک آزاری را جزئی از فرهنگ و سنت شان کرده و به آن مفتخرند،د
و فرزند را جز سرمایه ها و دارایی زندگی شان می دانند.د

همین چند روز پیش،د
ما تولد مرد بزرگ زندگیمان را جشن گرفتیم...د

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