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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

1051 - For All The Former Brave Captains

I went to day to buy a bottle of Jack Daniels.
Surprisingly I found out that the price is exactly twice as much as it is anywhere else in this world!

It's true that you have a risky business here
but for god's sake
You were raised by reading Tin Tin and Captain Haddock's comic books!
Have a little Mercy!

امروز رفتم یک شیشه جک دنیلز بگیرم.
با کمال تعجب دیدم قیمتش دو برابر قیمتش در هر جای دیگهء دنیاست!

این درست که شما اینجا یک بیزنیس ریسکی دارید
اما شما را به خدا
شما با کتاب های تن تن و کاپیتان هادوک بزرگ شدید!
کمی رحم داشته باشید!د

Friday, December 24, 2010

1050 - City Of Dreams

3:18 A.M. Just Got Home with a pain in my neck, Sore Throat and change of tone, Echoes of the Amplifiers still ringing in my ears, And All those Pictures in my head... My body can't hold my head, A Glass of Jack Daniels...

My leather jacket has a proper, pleasant stinky smell!
The one that you can only get at Guns N' Roses Show!

I give you my mask of drunkenness
I stay with the mask of wisdom within.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

1049 - Beats Me

I really don't know how to get myself together
and write down a few thoughtful bullshit lines!

Let alone putting them into something lyrical
and write a song for it as well!!

من يكي نمي دانم چطور در حالت مستي
4 خط مزخرفات فكري سر هم كنم!

چه برسد به اينكه شعرش كنم،
و برايش آهنگ هم بسازم!!د

1048 - Yeah! Whatevaaa

All My life
I didn't find any girl, Whom I'd call her "Good Girl"
Except for this Shih Tzu Puppy!

تمام زندگيم
دختري پيدا نكردم كه او را "دختر خوب" صدا كنم،
مگر اين توله سگ شيتزو!د

1047 - 3D TV, New Decades Latest Drug

Get Drunk
And Then Start watching 3D TV!

I'm telling you,
It's an interesting Experience!

مست كنيد
و بعد بنشينيد تلويزيون سه بعدي تماشا كنيد!!

از من شنيده بگيريد
تجربهء جالبيه!د

1046 - 36-24-36?

It's Amazing
Watching how most of these gorgeous looking ladies
turn into such a beast by taking off their Sun glasses!

شگفت انگيز است
تماشاي زنان زيبايي كه در حال حمام آفتاب گرفتن هستند!
اينكه چطور با برداشتن عينك آفتابي شان
تبديل به يك موجود بي ريخت مي شوند!د

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

1045 - 36-24-36

Hot Chicks!
They gracefully call them "Talent" Here*!

Such pretty naming!
There is such a great deal of culture behind it!
Don't you think so?

A rare innate ability,
Gifted by god,
for what they have:
Big beautiful boobs,
Thin, Slim Waist,
Tall body feature,
A soft well figured buttock,
Blonde hair and a sexy sweet smile!

You know,
Intelligence is not a big of a deal for a woman,
Whether she is a dumb emotional person
or a smart cold-hearted son of a bitch,
Whichever she is
There are some certain qualities about her
that arouse you totally
and some other
which makes you cry!

* - Where? An English Speaking country perhaps!

اينجا* دختر هاي خوشگل و جيگر را به برازندگي
مي نامند!

چه كلمهء زيباي و با مسمايي!
كلي فرهنگ پشت اين نوع انتخاب واژه خوابيده است!
قبول نداريد؟

يك استعداد ناب،
نعمت خدادادي
براي آن چه كه دارند:
ممه هاي بزرگ و زيبا،
كمر باريك،
قد بلند،
يك كپل نرم و خوش تراش،
موي بلوند به علاوهء لبخندي سكسي و شيرين!

مي دانيد،
عقل چندان فاكتور مهمي براي يك زن به حساب نمي آيد،
طرف چه يك احمق احساساتي باشد
يا يك پدرسگ باهوش و زيرك،
هر كدام كه باشد
به هر حال يك سري فاكتور هايي در مورد او هست كه
تو را تحريك كند
و يك سري ديگر
تو را به گريه بياندازد!

*-كجا؟ يك كشور انگليسي زبان شايد!
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