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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Praise The Lord

I donno If I had told this before or not
but The Iranian's Who get to read "Iranian (freakin') idiot" are the smartest!
I mean they either know how to bypass filters
or were smart enough to leave this country in the first place!i

نمي دونم قبلا اينو گفته بودم يا نه
اما ايراني هايي كه "ايرانين ايديت" رو مي خونن از جملهء باهوش ترين ها هستند!
منظورم اينه كه اونها بلدند چطور فيلترينگ رو دور بزنن
يا همون اول اونقدر عاقل بودن كه اين كشور رو ترك كنن!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

History (repeats itself)i

Forgive me if I'm wrong but....
Is Kennedy Shot Dead, AGAIN?i

اگر اشتباه مي كنم منو ببخشيد!
اما كندي رو باز با تير زدن كشتن؟

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Love Note

Ordinary type of women,
love men who fuck 'em!
But For your type I'd Say
You love men who rape you!i

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Children of Down Below

What was the name of that girl, who used to sniff Vodka?i

اسم اون دختره چي بود كه ودكا اسنيف مي كرد؟

Monday, August 03, 2009

Trial For Khatami's former vice president

Then / Now
بعد / قبل
Radish / Ginseng
جينسنگ / تربچه
Abtahie / Abtahee
ابتهي / ابطحي

Related Link: L.A. Times

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