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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Loving The Alien

I Really get Impressed
By Seeing that There still can be found in Iran
Those Sort Of Girls Who when Are Offered:

"Hey, You Have Some Cognac of this bottle first and Then Give It back to me"

She Takes Some,
And then Put Her Lips On Yours and Give Your Dose Of Cognac!
Then You Go Dive Into Shiiiiit!
Not In the first few hours
but The Very First Minutes of Getting To know each other!

Something Surprising
Something Adventurous!

Though The Surprising and Adventurous Things Are just a Small Part Of a Busy Life!

من تحت تاثير قرار مي گيرم وقتي
هنوز هستند دخترهايي كه
وقتي به آن ها ميگويي:

"بيا تو اول كنياك بخور بعد بده به من"

يك قلپ مي خورد و لبانش را روي لبان تو مي گذارد و
كنياك را مي دهد به تو!
آن وقت
تو دايو مي زني در گه!
ساعت كه چه عرض كنم،
در همان دقايق اول آشنايي!

چيزي متحير كننده!
چيزي ماجراجويانه!

اگر چه چيزهاي متحير كننده و ماجراجويانه فقط جزء كوچكي از يك زندگي شلوغ هستند!

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