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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Who said that Uncle Joker is a funny person? Who dares?

Uncle Joker declared in his latest interview with Mirror
that He hates those fans who talk to him in their own funny way.
and then in an unexpected movement
He invaded one of the spectators in the studio
and maul him under his foot.

And Now he is where he deserved to be
in an inclosure
with noone who would dare to visit him

عمو جوكر در مصاحبه اي كه با آينه داشت
از تمامي طرفدارانش كه با شوخ طبعي با اون حرف مي زدند ابراز تنفر كرد.
سپس در حركتي غير منتظره
به يكي از تماشاگران حاضر در استوديو هجوم برد و او را
زير پاهايش له كرد.

حالا هم همان جايي است كه بايد به آن مي رسيد
يه چهارديواري
بدون ملاقاتي

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