Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist
If You happened to see god, tell him that I Said hi!
If he asked about Mr.Idiot
Tell him that He has lost his life recently
Has gone with Mr. Destiny to find it.
I Mean Mr.Destiny with the mustache, not his younger brother.
اگر خدا را ديدي، سلام مرا بهش برسان!
اگر از حال آقاي ايديت پرسيد
بگو تازگيها زندگيش را گم كرده
با آقاي سرنوشت رفته پيدايش كند.
تقدير سيبيلو رو مي گم، برادر كوچكترش رو نه.
Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist
If You happened to see god, tell him that I Said hi!
If he asked about Mr.Idiot
Tell him that He has lost his life recently
Has gone with Mr. Destiny to find it.
I Mean Mr.Destiny with the mustache, not his younger brother.
اگر از حال آقاي ايديت پرسيد
بگو تازگيها زندگيش را گم كرده
با آقاي سرنوشت رفته پيدايش كند.
تقدير سيبيلو رو مي گم، برادر كوچكترش رو نه.