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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist

If You happened to see god, tell him that I Said hi!

If he asked about Mr.Idiot
Tell him that He has lost his life recently
Has gone with Mr. Destiny to find it.

I Mean Mr.Destiny with the mustache, not his younger brother.

اگر خدا را ديدي، سلام مرا بهش برسان!

اگر از حال آقاي ايديت پرسيد
بگو تازگيها زندگيش را گم كرده
با آقاي سرنوشت رفته پيدايش كند.

تقدير سيبيلو رو مي گم، برادر كوچكترش رو نه.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

State Of Curely Hairs or an expired comment on my hair

موهاي درهم ريختهء من ريشه در...
....بي اعتنايي نسبت به فكر و نظر بيننده دارد

The state of my unkem hair has got deep roots in...
...not caring about what beholders may say or think

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Even though I can't make a nuclear bomb
I've got the technology to make some human beings, in my hand.

Then You've got to stuff human being's pockets
with dynamites one after another
crank them
and send'em to the field
find a shelter and stay there
and wait to see
where human being will explode
and sight better for the next shot.

من اگر نتوانم بمب اتم بسازم
لااقل تكنولوژي ساخت انسان را در دست دارم.

آنوقت بايد جيب انسان ها را يكي يكي
پر از ديناميت كرد
كوكشان كرد
فرستادشان وسط ميدون.
يه جا پناه گرفت
و منتظر ماند
و ديد انسان كوكي كجا منفجر مي شود،
بعدي را دقيقتر نشانه روي كرد.

Friday, July 21, 2006

God is a Media player

I'm just a bunch of bones
coated with half-experienced muscles
and Now If you want it with some chocolate
you have to make that chocolate
and pour on it

من يه مشت استخونم
با روكشي از ماهيچه هاي نيمه ورزيده
حالا اگر تو شكلاتيشو مي خواي
بايد خودت درست كني
و بريزي روش

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Travis Bickle

Media Player Knows
What kind of person He is

مدياپلير ميداند
طرف چه جور آدميست...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The Man drives the one way avenue, in the opposite direction 'n @ the pace of 80 Kmh
to Flaunt his 2500 year old culture to me,

طرف كوچه يك طرفه رو با سرعت 80 Kmh در خلاف جهت مي گازونه
تا فرهنگ 2500 ساله شو به رخ من بكشه،

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Who said that Uncle Joker is a funny person? Who dares?

Uncle Joker declared in his latest interview with Mirror
that He hates those fans who talk to him in their own funny way.
and then in an unexpected movement
He invaded one of the spectators in the studio
and maul him under his foot.

And Now he is where he deserved to be
in an inclosure
with noone who would dare to visit him

عمو جوكر در مصاحبه اي كه با آينه داشت
از تمامي طرفدارانش كه با شوخ طبعي با اون حرف مي زدند ابراز تنفر كرد.
سپس در حركتي غير منتظره
به يكي از تماشاگران حاضر در استوديو هجوم برد و او را
زير پاهايش له كرد.

حالا هم همان جايي است كه بايد به آن مي رسيد
يه چهارديواري
بدون ملاقاتي

Monday, July 17, 2006

This Is Crazy

I'm A Calm Person
A Least, It Still seems Like this

من آدم آروميم
حداقل، هنوز هم اينطور به نظر مي رسه.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I Feel Loved

For Your Mother, for Her day, for the love she's given:

Come As You Are
As You Were
As I Want You To Be

براي مادرت، به خاطر روزش، براي تمام عشقش:

Come As You Are
As You Were
As I Want You To Be

Saturday, July 15, 2006

This Post Impressed Weezer Long Ago

Each one of us has got his/her own addictions:

Me to music
Woman to the mirror in her purse
Proselytes and religious people to fear from Hell
Me to you
you to him
Fly to Cow's tail
Man to his Office table
Dustman to the dust in streets
President to the microphones

This Means that Hypes are the most arcadian people of the world

همهء ما نوعي اعتياد داريم:

من به موزيك
زن به آينهء توي كيفش
آدم مذهبي به ترسيدن از جهنم
من به تو
تو به اون
مگس به دم گاو
مرد به ميز دفترش
رفتگر به خاك خيابان
رئيس جمهور به ميكروفن

اين يعني آدمهاي معتاد، ساده زيست ترين آدمهاي دنيا هستند.

Friday, July 14, 2006

It doesnt seem to be that hard for you to provide

Hey You All Easy-going People!
I Want Homelessness,
A corner in the Moulins-Gemeaux street
And a bottle of Martini
And I Wanna have a Curious Straying dog, nuzzle my shoes.
Let Tom Waits Take care Of the Soundtracks
Thats all

آي مردم راحت طلب!
بي خانماني ميخوام
در يه گوشه از خيابون «مولين ژمو»،
با يه شيشه مارتيني
و يه سگ ولگرد كنجكاو كه كفشامو بو كنه.
موسيقي متنش رو هم بذارين به عهدهء «تام ويتس»

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Make The Passion, Happen

You beget your very own wonderful memory or dream
with the hand which takes you to the center of the dance floor
the wet body of your partner
All those looks
and all those maniac moments
right there, under a bunch of projectors

شما هم
با دستايي كه شما رو با خودش مي كشه مركز جمع
تن خيس شريك تون
تمام آن نگاه ها
و از خود بيخود شدن ها
اون وسط، زير يه دسته از پروژكتور
يكي از زيباترين خاطره يا روياهايتان را رقم بزنيد...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm A Rebel

And My Explanation to My father Will be:
I Was Playing a couple of songs with my fellows in Green Day
I Was so high
that the pick of the Tar teared up the cortex instead of trembling the string

Tar: Iranian Music Instrument

و توضيح من به پدرم خواهد بود:
داشتم با بروبچ Green Day چند تا آهنگ مي زدم
و حسابي High بودم
كه مضراب به جاي سيم بر پوست تار وارد آمد و پاره شد...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


All The beauty in this so very ordinary afternoon
is because of feeling free to take out all the batteries
from all the clocks
and lie down on bed
and have The Irish girl
caress your ear with her whisperings

تمام زيبايي اين بعدازظهر معمولي
به اين است كه مي توان با خيال راحت
باتريها را از ساعت ها بيرون كشيد
روي تخت دراز كشيد
و دختر ايرلندي را فراخواند
تا با زمزمه هايش گوشت را نوازش كند

Monday, July 10, 2006

Real Men + Stephler's Mom, Drink Scotch

I'd Like to thank
All Those bottles of Scotch
Who Helped me with my notes
till their one last blood drop

همين جا برخودم ميدانم كه
از همهء بطري هاي Scotch اي كه در تمام اين مدت
و تا آخرين قطرهء خون خود
مرا در نوشته هايم كمك و همراهي كردند
تشكر كنم.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Uhhh Shut up You Stupid Idiot

We Might Suck At Soccer
But at least God is With us!

ما شايد گند ميزنيم توي فوتبال
اما لااقل خدا با ماست!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Man Who's Drinking Pennyroyal Tea

My Father Smells like Teen Spirit these days.
I figured that out from his brand new white reebok shoes and the perfume

پدرم اين روزها بوي روحيهء جواني مي دهد.
اين را از كتاني هاي ريبوك سفيد و ادكلن جديدش فهميدم!

پ.ن.: مردي كه چاي پونه مي نوشد.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I Was In The Garden Of Eden

The Girl is like a big bitten red apple
when her parents are chasing me
like 2 Goddamn Doberman [Pinscher] dogs.

دخترك به مانند سيب درشت قرمز گاز خورده اي است
وقتي پدر و مادرش، دو سگ دوبرمن لعنتي
كه بدنبال من افتاده اند.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

They All Lied Bleeding

When Your Songs have been robbed
You just review them in your mind till morning
Like Those Novels in which
There are only memorials
left from the mistress

The Bass Guitar Sobs
Guitar cries blood drops in your arms
The Chime of the Drum set suspires regretfully
and The Piano Stares at the H Note

وقتي آهنگ هايت دزديده مي شود
گاهي تا صبح آنها را در ذهنت براي خودت مرور مي كني...
مثل رمان هايي كه در آنها
از معشوقه ها
تنها ياد و خاطره شان باقي مانده باشد.

بيس بغض مي كند
گيتار در دستانت خون گريه مي كند
سنج درامز آه حسرت آميزي مي كشد
و پيانو روي نت «لا» خيره مي ماند

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I've Got Enough Evidences To Kill You

The truth about the stuffed brains of this land's engineers with theories is that
They dont have the slightest intuition of what "two meters high" is
nor they cant relate that with Converse shoes, with the size of 45*

P.S.: Thats 11 for Uk & Us

در مورد مغز هاي تئوري زدهء‌ مهندس هاي اين مملكت همين بس
كه آنها نه درك درستي از دو متر ارتفاع دارند
و نه مي توانند ارتباط آن را با كانورسهاي سايز 45 بيابند.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

There is a Church in Mianus

Some Say:
Black is the colour of love
cause Its the colour of Sisters costumes.

I Mean some people.

بعضي ها مي گويند:
مشكي رنگ عشقه
مثل رنگ چادر خواهرانه.

منظورم بعضي هاست.

Monday, July 03, 2006

There is nothing that much amusing about this blog 4 me, but who cares? huh

Here's the Deal:
You, Write me anything to amuse me this time.
I'll give you 24 hours

قرارمون اينه:
اينبار شما يه چيزي بنويسين كه منو سرگرم كنه.
24 ساعت هم بهتون وقت ميدم.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

And All The German Lovers & Germany Lovers Say:
Danke Klinsi

And Its all Friendship that remains

... و دوستي هاست كه باقي مي ماند

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I Understand! Argentina's Fans are so depressed to be messed up again

Hehey! Nice Outfit! Give me a call too

تيريپ باحالي داري! به من هم زنگ بزن!
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