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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dude Where's My Car?

چيزهاي كوچكي هست كه اگر بدوني
ديواره هاي بتني كنار اتوبان ها
منعكس كنندهء طنين صداي دختراني مي شوند كه اسمت را در حالي كه پدال گاز را تا ته فشار داده اند فرياد مي زنند.

چيزهاي ديگه اي هم هست كه فقط اون آقا ريشوئه توي تلويزيون ميتونه بهت بگه.
چيزهايي مثل: رنگ مشكي چادر با صورت سفيد خانم ها هارموني زيبايي ايجاد مي كنه!

There Are Very Tiny simple things that if you know,
The Concreted Bulwarks of the highways will resound the Echo of the girls who are acclaiming your name while they have hardly pushed the pedal.

There Are Some Other Things That Only That bearded man in that religious tv show can tell you.
Things like: The black colour of the "Chador" [islamic cover for females] has such pretty Harmony with ladies white face colour!

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