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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

?Hey God! How Are You Feeling Today

از همان زماني كه بالاخره علم تا يك جايي پيشرفت كرد
انسان ها ارادهء بچه مي كنند
و خداوند شروع به لگد كردن گل مي كند...

Since When the Science Developed to a specific point
People Will For Children
And God will Knead The Soil For Them.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Vice City

آخرش مخمو مي زنن!
از بالاي گوشم, جايي كه گلوله مستقيم رفته توي مغزم
خون بيرون مي زنه
و منه گيج, چند قدم بر مي دارم
و آخرش ميوفتم توي بغل يكي از اينا و مي ميرم...

ميگي نه؟
ماشه رو بكش!
بكش منو!

They WILL Blow my Mind Someday!
And From The Area Of The Head, Above my Ear, Where the Bullet Has Gone Through
Blood Erupts.
And The Astonished me, Take a few steps, kinda limping
And will Finally Die in the Arms of one of these chicks.

Dont you think so?
Pull The Trigger!
Shoot Me!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

If You Die When There's No one Watching

كاندومي 10XL بر سرم مي كشم
طوري كه چشمانم را ببندد,
گوشهايم را كر كند,
بيني ام تنها بوي لاتكس را حس كند
و دهانم را بسته نگه دارد!

آنگاه در خانه را باز كرده, وارد اجتماع مي شوم...

پ.ن.: اين پست براي «الهام افروتن» نوشته شده است و ارزش ديگري ندارد.

I Put A 10XL Condom On my Head
For My Nose To Smell Only The Latex
To Seel My Eyes
To Deafen My Ears
And To Keep My Mouth Shut!

Then I Open THe House Door and Go Through the Society...

P.S.: This Post Has been written For "Elham Afrotan" The Female Journalist who is in Jail For Writing "Governmental Aids" Article.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

[Change [In The House Of Flies

من الان در يك موقعيت سخت قرار گرفته ام!

موقعيتي به سختي موقعيت سرباز نگهبان سفارت دانمارك در تهران,
وقتي نمي تونست تصميم بگيره كه در مقابل يورش عده اي
از ساختمان دفاع كنه يا اينكه اجازه بده كارشونو انجام بدن!

I'm in a Terrible situation Now!

A situation As Terrible as the Situation of the Denmark's Embassy's Guard In Tehran.
When He Couldnt decide whether to defend the Embassy against [some invaders]
or letting them go for whatever they want to do.

پي نوشت: در غم دوست عزيزمان شريكيم!
Unfair Fairy Tale

هر روز بر تعداد كساني كه خرشان مي كند افزوده مي شود!
اين موجود خوشگل و بلاي ونوسي...!

Note: The Link refers to a female blogger's post: "The Number of those who I fall in !"love with, increases daily

Friday, February 24, 2006

Still Sticking To My Guns

همين كه هنوز جوان هستم
دليلي كافي براي آتش زدن هرگونه تعهد است.

چيزي براي از دست دادن باقي نمانده است,
بجز يك زندگي.

State Of Being an Iranian youth
Is Enough as a reason to Burn all the commitments Up.

There is nothing left for me to lose,
.But A Life To Live

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Idiots Are On Tv

فيلم هاي حادثه اي هيجان ندارند!
هميشه يك شخص سومي هست كه آرتيست را نجات دهد.
حتي اگر كارگردان در صحنهء فيلم برداري حاضر نباشد و يا از اونم بالاتر, دست فيلمبردار هم بند باشد.

هستي خودمون دو تا يه كم فيلم حادثه اي بسازيم؟

The Adventure Movies Are Not Exciting!
There is always a third person available to save the Artist.
Even if the Director is not at the Scene, or more than that, The Camera Man is busy.

Would you like me and you to produce an Adventure movie?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

You Oughta know

توش كه فوت مي كرد صدا ميداد
علاوه بر اون, جاي رژلب قرمزش
هنوز هم روي رويهء فلزي اش باقي مونده

اسمشو مي گذارم «ساز دهني» چطوره؟

It would produce sounds when she'd blew in it
Besides, the red colour of her lipstick
Still remains on its steel Cover

I'll Name it "Mouth Organ", what Do You Think?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dude Where's My Car?

چيزهاي كوچكي هست كه اگر بدوني
ديواره هاي بتني كنار اتوبان ها
منعكس كنندهء طنين صداي دختراني مي شوند كه اسمت را در حالي كه پدال گاز را تا ته فشار داده اند فرياد مي زنند.

چيزهاي ديگه اي هم هست كه فقط اون آقا ريشوئه توي تلويزيون ميتونه بهت بگه.
چيزهايي مثل: رنگ مشكي چادر با صورت سفيد خانم ها هارموني زيبايي ايجاد مي كنه!

There Are Very Tiny simple things that if you know,
The Concreted Bulwarks of the highways will resound the Echo of the girls who are acclaiming your name while they have hardly pushed the pedal.

There Are Some Other Things That Only That bearded man in that religious tv show can tell you.
Things like: The black colour of the "Chador" [islamic cover for females] has such pretty Harmony with ladies white face colour!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Get The Party Started

تا حالا اخبار هواشناسي رو ديدي؟
حالا فرض كن يه شب مجريه يه لباس نظامي بپوشه
اون جبهه هاي هوايي اي هم كه روي نقشه داره توضيح ميده كه دارن به سمت كشور ما ميان هم همون نيروها و بمب افكن هاي آمريكايي هستن

مامان هم هنوز پوشك خيس من و تورو عوض نكرده باشه

Have You ever Seen Daily Weather Forcast On the Tv?
Now Imagine The Broadcaster has worn a military uniform
And All Those Fronts that He's describing on the Map, Coming to our country
Are American Troops And Forces

And Mommy Has Not Changed Our Wet diapers Yet
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