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Friday, December 16, 2005

Mental Melt Down

من الان همون نقطه اي ايستادم كه اون روز قرار شد بايستم
بعد زمان ايستاد و بعد مكان من دچار تغيير شد و در نتيجه من الان اينجا ايستاده ام
نه خب! من هم نمي فهمم حقيقتا چي شده!
امروز 19 فوريه, 30 بهمنه
مترسك وسط مثلث برمودا
بقيه ام اينجاس
يه سري چيزا اونجا جا گذاشتم و اومدم اينجا
فكر كنم سياه به سپيد
ام... شايد
نمي دونم
گاز نزن!

I'm Exactly Standing Where I Thought I'll be standing someday.
My Time Dimension Stopped And I Just got Arithmetic Shift and so Here I Am, Standing...
well, Yeah! you're Right! I Dont really know what has happened either!
Today Is the 19th Of february
A Scarecrew in Bermooda Triangle.
The Rest Of Me is here
I Just Left Some stuff there and Left there for here
I Guess I've turned From Black to White
uhm... Maybe
I dont know
I'm Still Crude
Don't Bite!
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